First you then you!

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Ayano pov

I stand on the roof giggling as I point out the people I shall kill now that I lost my senpai. I spot a girl with blonde hair I snap a photo and send it to info chan and learn her name is Yuna Hina she has no crush but i still decided to kill her. Why not I'm just killing for sport now. I then go and talk to her I told her I found a guitar and wanted her to see if it was hers. She followed the poor idiot. I then brought her to the back of the school and grabbed my scissors with that her life was gone but it went out loudly. Fucking bitch couldn't die siletly.

Budo pov

I entered school and felt I should take a walk just because my instincts said so. I moved quietly around until I saw two girls walking away from me I assumed it was just girl business until I heard a loud scream and I ran to the spot I saw them go. A girl turned to me and I tackled her. She had gloves on so the weapon was untraceable to her the cops had no proof against her other than my word. She was free. I knew she was bad but she was a very innocent pretty girl.

Ayano pov

That guy Budo or whatever had caught me but I had already used a way to protect myself now I must kill him. I can't stop thinking of his face though he was strong..and brave at most heroic. I need to focus though.

He tastes like you only sweeter Budo x Ayano Where stories live. Discover now