Your awake

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Ayano pov

I woke up hearing loud sobbing. I couldn't recognize who it was I turned and saw Budo crying. I put my arm out and touched his shoulder he looked up. "YOUR AWAKE!" He smiled and kissed my cheek saying "can't hug you because your cut would open again. Your very lucky it healed as fast and didn't get very deep you should be healed by Friday." He smiled with tears still leaving his eyes. I moved my hand and wiped a tear with my thumb and said "I only remember oka telling me that you couldn't love me I'm a killer." He looked at me. "Well she was arrested for this." For hitting you then stabbing you" he smiled and kissed me agin."

Budo pov

"Do you remember anything else" I said to Ayano. She blushed and said "one day dream but that's not important." "Oh your memories are very important to me so tell." I said back she blushed until she was as red as they get. She said "two words, you shower" and then closed her eyes as if remembering again. She smiled giggled and opened them looking at me. I looked at her eyes full of love. They weren't as they were before her eyes were lighter gray and now they shine. I loved her I don't care what happens.

Ayano pov

"Well your gonna have to stay with me at my place until I'm sane and better so you may be stuck there for...ever." I said to Budo he smiled and said "I could live with that. Is there free hugs with this?" I smiled "definitely" "your moving in?" I say back he smiled "for hugs yeah!" I kissed him and said "you'll have to settle for kisses right now"

Budo pov

I'm moving in with Ayano! I felt happy but I needed hugs from her then so I know she's stuck with me. I smiled and said "for you the whole school knows I can cry" she giggled "my big boy Budo cried for me and showed he was human (anime)." "That takes guts" she said. I also mentioned the chocolate from taro. she smirked and said "watch out the hero and villain receive chocolates from the coward." I laughed we sighed her out and went home.

He tastes like you only sweeter Budo x Ayano Where stories live. Discover now