Chapter 12

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It was a school day today, and well, let's just say I really did not want to go. But sadly, I had to because my parents were making me.

I haven't told them yet that I had met my brother, and was going to visit my mom on Saturday. The thing is, I was planning to tell them on Saturday and take them with me to meet her. Hopefully, they would all get along.

I lazily got up, and trudged to the bathroom. I took a rather quick shower before sliding on some skinny jeans and a blue, sleeveless flannel.

My hair was still wet, but that's already. It would dry soon enough.

I put on my shoes, and walked to the kitchen. I opened the food cupboard, and grabbed a muffin from the third shelf.

I opened the package and dug into the muffin when my dad walked in.

"Gosh, you're so messy," he sighed.

"Sorry, dad," I said with food in my mouth.

"Ew," he muttered before walking off into the living room.

I chuckled lightly, and hurriedly finished the muffin. I then washed my hands, and wiped my face.

"Okay, dad, I'm leaving," I told him.

"Have a good day, sweetheart," he said.

"I will!"

I walked out the door and got into my car, starting to drive to the school.

I was really excited to see James today. We had texted all night. He was so sweet, honestly. Isaiah really underestimates him.

I parked in the driveway, and quickly got out. I needed to find Isaiah and Seth.

When I looked around, I noticed a lot of people were staring at me. Whispering, too.

"Ash!" Isaiah waved at me.

"Hey, why's everyone staring at me?" I asked when I reached him.

"How am I supposed to know?" He shrugged.

"I don't know. You've been here longer than me..."

He chuckled, "Don't worry about it. It's probably nothing."

Just then, I saw James fast walking towards me. He grabbed my arm, and pulled me away.

"We're done," he said, quietly.

"What?" My eyes widened.

"You told everyone about us. I can't believe you," he said.

"What?" I repeated. "I didn't tell anyone."

"You and I were the only people who knew about this. Plus, I never liked you, anyways," he grunted, and walked away.

I looked down, and soon I felt a hand on my shoulder. It was Isaiah.

"It was you, wasn't it?" I questioned.

"I'm sorry. I needed to prove to you that he's not good enough," he sighed.

"Well, I'm glad you did. He never even liked me." I was close to tears.

"Hey, don't cry, Ash," Isaiah said, and hugged me.

Heartbreak hurts like hell.


I went straight home after school. I didn't talk to Isaiah or Seth. I didn't even talk to Lily. She seemed sad, but I didn't really care. I was the one who was having a fucking crisis.

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