Chapter 2

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Ruki's P.O.V

It has been about seven months since i met Aoi. We have become good friends. We meet at the coffee shop down the street from his house everyday. We talk and talk then he goes off to work and i go home. He bought a book the day after we met. It looks like a reading book, but its really for sketching. He drew pictures of cherry blossum tress,crows,flowers, and just different things of his own designs in it and gave it to me for my birthday last month.

As i thought about it i realized that Aoi still wasn't here yet. I finished my coffee and went to his place. I expected the door to be locked but it wasn't. I went inside and went to his room. I knocked on it, then i could hear him talking with someone. Then a short brunette opened the bedroom door.

"Uh. Is Aoi here?" I asked. The brunette was younger than me and he was prettier than me.

"Im Kazuki. Yeah,Aoi is getting dressed. He has something to tell you." He said smiling.

"Im Ruki,nice to meet you. Look i cant wait, just tell Aoi im sorry and never want to speak with him again." I said storming away.

I was practically running down the street. I ran into a few people who told me to watch where i was going. I got home and slammed my door. I went running to my room with Koron chasing after me barking. I flopped onto my bed and hugged my pillow. I closed my eyes to keep from crying. I thought Aoi liked me,but no he already has a lover. I looked at my clock and fell asleep.

I awoke from the sound of my doorbell. I looked at the clock. I was only asleep for thirty minutes. The door bell turned into a fist pounding hard on the door. I ignored it and stayed where i was. Then i heard Koron barking and Aoi entered my room. Shit,i forgot to lock the door.

"Ruki what the hell?" He said loudly. I turned on my side so i was facing away from him. He came and sat beside me, stroking my hair.

"Go away! Why don't you go back to your lover. Kazuki might want you with him right now." I said harshly.

"What? Kazuki is my friend. Not my lover." He said. Koron started pawing at me then went downstairs, signing he was hungry. I sat up and was about to follow my dog when Aoi pinned me down.

"Aoi? Let me up!" I yelled. I tried to get up but he was stronger.

"Ruki. I love you." He said,kissing me. He started to unbutton my shirt. He bit my bottom lip,demanding entrance. I allowed,but as soon as his tongue went past my teeth, i bit down as hard as i could. He pulled away.

"What the hell!" He yelled.

"Let me up!" I yelled back. When he let me go i ran downstairs and ran to the only person i wanted...Reita.

When i got to his apartment i banged on the door repeatedly until he answered. I hugged him and started crying on his shoulder.

"R-ruki?" He said, surprised i was his visitor.

"Aoi harassed me!" I yelled. Then i looked past him and saw Uruha coming from the bedroom. He was missing his pants and was surprised when he saw me.

"Ruki who is Aoi?" Reita asked with fake concern.

"No one, just go back to fucking Uruha." I mumbled.

"Ruki, tell me-" Reita started but i cut him off by running away.

Uruha's P.O.V

Reita had me pinned to the bed,kissing me. He pulled my jeans off. Then when he tried to pull my underwear off the doorbell rang. We ignored it,but it kept ringing.

"Ugh dammit. Uruha i'll be right back." Reita said and walked out of the room. I sat there thinking this was wrong. I knew Ruki still loved Reita. Then i heard Ruki yelling. Somebody named Aoi harassed him. I got up and went to the living room. Ruki looked at me and i saw hatred and hurt in his eyes.

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