Master -Sample- (Reita x Uruha)

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(The new version that has both Uruha and Reita on the story cover)

Uruha's P.O.V

"No! You can't have him! Get out!"
I sat up and looked at my door. Mother was yelling, that's never a good sign. My bedroom door slammed open, the light blinding me. "Get up, bitch." A harsh voice boomed and I was yanked from my bed. "No, you let go of my son right now!" Mother grabbed my other arm and held onto me firmly. "Choose someone else! He's only sixteen!" Mother shouted and the man yanked me away, blindfolding me. "Uruha I love you! I'm sorry. I'm so sorry!" I could hear mother beginning to cry. "Mom..." I bit my lip as I could feel the man dragging me away.
"Strip." The man ordered and I shook my head, biting my lip as I received a smack to the face. "Strip or I'll rip your clothes off myself." The man growled and I heard a door open. "Leave him alone, we'll go ahead and drug him then we'll dress him ourselves." A woman said and gently grabbed my arm. "Okay honey, this drug is going to make you oblivious to everything about to happen. It's so you don't get hurt." The woman said and pressed a needle against my arm, slowly pushing the liquid into my arm. "Just wait a few minutes, okay?" The woman spoke again, I could hear the smile in her voice.
Uruha shivered as he came to. Looking around, he realized he couldn't see. "Why is it so dark? Why is it so cold? Where am I? Am I dead?" Uruha mumbled and reached for his face. Handcuffs jingled and chains rattled against the ground as Uruha tried moving. "Oh my god, what's going on?" Uruha could feel his tears coming, "why am I here!" Uruha shouted and bit his lip.
Uruha jumped as a door opened then slammed shut. The sound of feet grew louder as whoever it was came closer. Uruha looked towards the sound and soon a hand caressed his cheek, "hello beautiful. What is your name?" A deep, calming voice asked. The voice sounded sweet. " name is Uruha."
"Uruha is such a beautiful name. A beautiful name for a beautiful person. So, tell me Uruha, are you virgin?" Uruha could hear the smile behind the voice, not wicked or lustful, but sincere and kind.
"Yes, I am a virgin...but, who are you?" Uruha bit his lip. He could feel his tears threatening to fall again. "I am Reita, your master."
"I was ch-chosen? But I'm only sixteen! I'm not old enough to be chosen!" Uruha shouted before a hand was placed over his mouth. "Do not yell, darling. Don't you remember being taken from your home?"

"Yes, I do remember."

"After you were taken, you were drugged and placed into the auction. You were so beautiful, making such cute noises as men grabbed and groped you. Eventually you began crying, not understanding what was happening to you. I immediately bought you, not even giving the others a chance to bid. You're lucky I chose you, or you wouldn't be a virgin anymore. You'd be bleeding from rape by now." Reita caressed Uruha's cheek again and began taking the handcuffs off, picking him up bridal style. "Don't worry Uruha, I'll take care of you. Especially during your first time."
"I...I don't want to have sex, please don't make me." Uruha begged. He could feel his tears flowing now, seeping into his blindfold. "Alright. Just know, the longer you resist me, the longer you'll stay blindfolded. I won't take off the blindfold until you have sex with me." Reita said and Uruha heard a door close. He was carried upstairs and placed on a bed.
"Strip for me." Reita purred into the honey blonde's ear. "But you said I don't have to have sex." Uruha bit his lip, causing a cut to form on his bottom lip. "I know, but I want to at least see your body." Uruha blushed, holding onto the hem of his shirt. "I...I've never done anything like this."
"Its okay, darling. Just strip your clothes and I'll give you something more comfortable to sleep in." Reita said, opening a door and searching through some clothes. When Reita came back in the room he sat the clothes on the bed. "Alright Uruha, strip."
Uruha slowly pulled his shirt up, pulling it off over his head and holding it close to his chest. "It's okay Uruha, you don't need to be nervous." Reita soothingly spoke, grabbing the shirt and slowly taking it away from Uruha. "You have such a nice skin tone." Reita purred.
Uruha could feel Reita beginning to touch his chest, sliding his hands down Uruha's sides before placing kisses to the honey blonde's collarbone. "P-please stop." Uruha begged, taking a step back. "Just finish stripping." Reita sighed and Uruha slowly pushed his pants down and slowly kicking them off. "Boxers too, darling." Reita chuckled and Uruha shook his head. "It's ok, the shirt I'm giving you is more than long enough to hide everything."
Uruha hesitantly pushed the boxers down. Once he stepped out of them, Uruha could feel his stomach turning. Hands began caressing his body. "Your so beautiful, Uruha. Now if only you'd have sex with me so I could see your face." Reita chuckled and Uruha stepped back. "St-stop." Uruha said, backing away from his master. "Its okay, Uruha. Here's your night shirt." Reita handed the boy the shirt. Uruha snatched the shirt and pulled it on. "Alright Uruha, get into bed." Reita ordered and the honey blonde shook his head, "boxers...please."
"You don't need them. Get in the bed." Reita ordered, his voice becoming more demanding. "Al-alright..." Uruha mumbled, biting his lip as he climbed onto the bed. He laid down, listening for any sign of what Reita was doing. Uruha felt another body climb onto the bed, laying down next to him. Uruha turned his back to the other male, feeling himself slowly fall asleep.
Reita sat up in bed, yawning. He looked at the small clock on the bedside table as he stood from the bed. 8:35am. He'd overslept at least two hours. Reita looked at the other male on the bed, sleeping. Reita bit his lip before grabbing the boys arm and yanking him from the bed. The blonde let out a cry as he fell to the floor, hitting his head on the side of the table. "Get up. It's time for breakfast." Reita growled and the blonde slowly stood, keeping his head down as he followed his master. "Uruha, I'm sorry." Reita mumbled as he stopped walking, Uruha bumped into him. "I'm...I'm sorry Reita." Uruha bit his lip.
Uruha could feel a hand caressing his cheek, plush lips kissing the bruising cheek bone. "Do you really bruise so easily." Reita asked, examining Uruha's cheek. "Yes, I do. I'm sorry." Uruha mumbled and could feel his tears threatening to fall yet again. "It's alright, Uruha." Reita said, grabbing the boys arm and leading him to the dinning room.
Reita sat in his chair, Uruha standing beside him on his right hand side. "Such a lovely slave. May I ask why you are still in your sleeping clothes?" Uruha heard a man chuckle. "Well I over slept. I just decided to throw on a shirt and some jeans." Reita replied as the man began walking around the room, his boots tapping loudly as he walked. Uruha could feel hands on his face now, his head being turned from side to side before fingers carefully caressed over his bruised cheekbone. "What happened? Did you hit the bitch already?" The man asked and there was a sigh. "It was an accident. Besides, he bruises easy." Reita said and Uruha could feel hands on his waist now. "I remember this one from yesterday's auction. He's a cute one." The man laughed and Uruha took a step away from the man. "Is he still virgin?"
"Yes, he is. I mean, he's only 16. I'm not even sure how he was chosen for the auction, he isn't even of age yet." Reita sighed and the man chuckled, "don't you know? Yesterday's auction was cheated. One of the hosts saw him and thought he would be perfect so he pulled some strings." The man laughed and Uruha could feel his heart drop. "People had been watching me?" Uruha mumbled and the man looked at him, narrowing his eyes. "What did you say?"
Uruha bit his lip, trying to back away before a hand clasped on his throat. "Answer when spoken to, bitch. You're just a whore that'll be dead soon. So do as you're told!" The man shouted, pushing Uruha away. The blonde fell and let out a sob as he hit the floor. "Just kill me!" Uruha shouted and he received a kick to the stomach. "Hey! He is mine not yours." Reita pushed the man away, glaring at him. "Leave." Reita ordered, the man glared at him then looked back at Uruha. "I said leave!" Reita shouted.
Reita kneeled down, grabbing Uruha's hand and helping him sit up. "Are you alright?" Reita asked and caressed the blonde's cheek. "I...I want to go home." Uruha mumbled, burying his face into Reita's chest. "Uruha...I'm sorry I let this happen." Reita stood, pulling the blonde to his feet. Reita wrapped an arm around Uruha's waist, leading him to the table.
"Sit." Reita said and Uruha followed the order, only to realize that Reita was making him sit under the table. "Why?" Uruha asked as Reita placed a hand ontop of his head. "Breakfast, Uruha." Reita said and Uruha heard the scrape of a chair on the floor. "Come closer, Uruha." Reita said softly, Uruha obeying the order when he felt a hand at the back of his head, "suck it, Uruha."
"What? No!" Uruha pushed away, trying the fight against the hand holding him in place. "Don't fight against me Uruha. The last thing I want is for me to have to hurt you." Reita said and Uruha finally stopped fighting. "Just do it, this is breakfast. Everyday." Reita said and Uruha shook his head. "I... I've never done something like this, I...I don't-"
"Uruha, it's alright. Just do it. I don't want to have to punish you." Reita said and Uruha finally gave in as his tears seeped into the blindfold he leaned forward, following Reita's order. "Good boy, Uruha." Reita said and held the blonde in place, not letting him move away. Uruha followed through the order, swirling his tongue around the member. Reita pulled Uruha closer, forcing the blonde to deep-throat. Reita came, not letting Uruha move away until he had swallowed the seed and pushed away. "My stomach burns." Uruha mumbled and Reita sighed, "You'll get used to it." He placed his hand on top of Uruha's head, Uruha leaned into the loving touch but Reita quickly retreated his hand.
Uruha hugged onto Reita's leg, leaning his head against his thigh. 'Can I just sleep?' Uruha thought as Reita placed his hand on Uruha's head again. "Here, Uruha." Reita grabbed Uruha's wrist and placed a rice ball in his hand. "Eat it." Reita ordered and Uruha followed the order, slowly eating the food. Reita moved Uruha's hair, buckling a collar around the blonde's neck and clipping a leash. "It's too tight." Uruha mumbled. Reita stood from his chair, pulling on the leash, "come my darling Uruha." Reita said and pulled the honey blonde along as he walked.
Uruha stood, trying to follow but finding it hard to keep up. Reita led Uruha into a bathroom and removed the collar. Reita pulled the shirt off Uruha and forced him to sit in a tub, filling the tub with warm water.
Uruha's P.O.V
I was forced the sit in a tub, warm water filled the tub and eventually, another body joined me. Arms wrapped around my waist and lips plastered to my neck. I bit my lip as Reita began nibbling on the crook of my neck. "W-why...please stop." I mumbled as I was pulled to sit in his lap, hands sliding down my sides and to my thighs. "R-reita..." I bit my lip and leaned my head back, resting my head on his shoulder. "Please stop." I begged and he sighed. Reita placed his hands against my chest, squeezing my nipples. "I'll wash your back." Reita whispered and pressed a kiss to my earlobe.
Reita let me go and I moved away from him, sitting cross-legged in front of him. Water was poured on my head, my hair soaked and the water seeping into the blindfold. I heard a cap on a bottle open and soon Reita started washing my hair. "Smells like roses." I mumbled and he chuckled. After he washed my hair he began scrubbing my back with a cloth. The soap too smelled of roses. After he washed the soap off me he ordered me out of the tub. Reita wrapped me in a towel and began to drain the water from the tub. "Go sit on the bed." Reita ordered and I shook my head. "I cannot will I find the bed?" I questioned and he sighed, grabbing my hand. I heard the door open and I was pulled into a room. "Just walk forward now and you'll find the bed. Dry off and wait for me." Reita ordered and I heard the door close. I walked forward and held my hands out in front of me. Soon I found the bed post and stopped walking. I dried off and began drying my hair with the towel. I sat on the bed, the towel resting over my lap as I began waiting for Reita. The blindfold was still wet, it felt disgusting but I restrained myself from removing it. I'm not sure what Reita will do if I take off the blindfold. I mean, earlier he said he didn't want to punish me...but what are his punishments? Never mind that, I don't want to find out, ever.
Reita's P.O.V
I closed the door and headed to the shower, stepping in and turning on the water. My thoughts traveled to Uruha, he's perfect. Such a nice body, why won't he have sex with me? I bit my lip and began washing my hair. After washing off I stepped out of the shower. I dried off and entered my closet, pulling on a pair of boxers and some black dress-pants. A button-up white shirt with grey designs on it along with some dress shoes. After I dressed I entered the bedroom only to find Uruha laying on the bed, hugging one of the pillows. He must be asleep, hard to tell with the blindfold.
I walked to the bed and grabbed Uruha's shoulder, shaking him. "Hhmm?" Uruha sat up, yawning and turning his head around as if he was trying to look around. "Uruha, I'll get you some clothes just hang on." I said and Uruha bit his lip, slowly nodding. I entered the other closet, looking for a pair of clothes for Uruha. I got a slave undergarment that would show every inch of thigh from knee to waist. It would also show his lower back and slightly top of his ass. It would completely cover his stomach but leave his chest bare and it ties at the back in criss-cross pattern. I picked out a black dress shirt to where over the undergarment along with some black jeans. Normal dress shoes to go with the outfit. I headed back into the bedroom, setting the clothes on the bed. "We are going to a meeting tonight. I'll explain everything after you get dressed." I said, grabbing Uruha's hand and pulling him off the bed. I helped him dress in the clothes and put the collar around his neck, attaching the leash.
"Now, at this meeting you must call me master, never call me by my real name. For your dinner, it's the same thing as this morning." I said and Uruha shook his head. "N-no, I can't do that. Not with p-people around." Uruha sat on the bed, holding his head in his hands. "Do not worry beautiful, I'll make sure you're drunk." I tugged on the leash, causing Uruha to look up. "When I sit in the common room with the others I'll tug on the leash, you will have to kiss my cheek. Understand?" I asked and Uruha nodded.
"Alright, do not speak to me unless I have spoken to you directly. If someone touches you in a way you do not like, just grab the sleeve of my jacket and tug it. I'll put a stop to the assaults." I pressed a kiss to Uruha's forehead and took his hand. "Now my darling, shall we head to the meeting?" I smiled and watched as blush appeared on Uruha's cheeks. "M...master?" Uruha followed me as I lead the way.

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