Chasing Vallen -Sample-

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Chapter 1


My name is Vallen. I am seventeen, junior year of high school. I'm not exactly a popular guy, but I have friends. True friends? I'm not so sure yet. I'm pretty sure they would let me fall and break my neck if someone asked them to stop talking to me. So, I haven't really told them anything. Anything that would threaten myself as a person. But I'm sure they'll find a way to figure it out, sooner or later.

I grew up in a country called Sparcelin. It's basically the biggest country on planet Earth. It used to be named something else back in the 2000's time. But here in 2176, we've renamed everything. I was born in 2159, a year after World War Three ended. World War Three lasted from 2139-2158.

Russia had started the war. They bombed Isreal so the U.S. stepped in. Then an all out World War broke out. Japan, U.S. Sparcelin, and Britain have an alliance. We protect each other and fight against the Russians which have China as an ally.

Now that I'm going into these details, I should explain what Sparcelin is made of. It is a continent that arouse from the Atlantic Ocean right in-between the U.S and the Europe and Asia continents around 2122. Sparcelin is actually Russia and Australia put together(the size that is.) So, I live on the biggest continent, which is also the most hated by Russia. So to save us, my mother and father moved us to America. I'm often asked to say different words because my accent makes the words sound funny to the Americans.

Sparcelin actually has a secret. One so deadly, that if anyone found out then out Sparcelinians would be put to death. We're vampires. Mythical creatures that live on the blood of others.

It's kinda hard to make friends around here. I mean, we take the War seriously. We don't know Russia's next move so, anyone could be a spy. But, by connecting computers to satellites, we can tell they're building up their armies. Just waiting for us to let our guarded down. I mean, they turned violent within the last year. They've sent death threats to everyone. The world leaders are beginning a meeting tomorrow morning about it.


I looked at Castril. He was giving me an odd look. "What?" I demanded and he shook his head. "Nothing, nothing. You just zoned out." Castril said and punched my arm. "So, are you joining the Military?"

"Castril, you know I'm not about to fight. I rather move on to a different land. Just let Russia and China take over." I replied and he rolled his eyes. "Well, I rather fight! Who says they can take our land. Ima not take this any longer!"

Castril was Irish. Last year Russia took over Ireland so Castril and his parents moved here. "Alright, but don't think I'm coming to save you." I said and lightly pushed him. He smiled and we stood from our seats on the bus. "You know you'll come to my rescue."

Coralyn approached us as we exited the bus, she was Japanese. Her mother and father moved her right after the married. Then she was born a year later. She's one of my closest friends. Coralyn is probably one of the only people who would never turn against me. She smiled and punched me in the shoulder. "Ready for another day of school?"

"No. I could care less about the war. So why go to school if that's all they talk about?" I replied and Castril wrapped an arm around my shoulders. "Because man. We'd got to defend ourselves or nobody's gonna help." He said and I pushed him off me. He grinned and stuck his tongue out. I rolled my eyes as we entered the gate to the school. Another boring day. Thank god it's Friday or I'd go mad.

I opened my locker and began cleaning it out and looking through everything. Today is my last day, just like everyone else my age. You see, because of the continuous war threats people go to school until they are seventeen making the elementary for three to nine years of age and high schools are for ten to seventeen years of age. Everyone graduates then they either get jobs or go into the military. If you do neither then you are considered a traitor and they for exile upon you. But I actually wouldn't mind it. I would finally be able to look for my older brother. He graduated two years ago but he didn't do anything so he is living in exile. I haven't heard from him since. Not even letters from him. Mother was heartbroken and it took her awhile to accept it. Now as for my father, he left a year after I was born. He never contacted us after he left. My brother, Axel, he doesn't remember much of our dad but he was always angry about what our father did. But she eventually remarried. Then after Nora was born the man mother had married died. He had come in contact with a deadly chemical while working in the factories. Anri spent a few days crying then she began helping mother care for Nora. Now, Anri shows no emotion, even when she broke her leg two years ago, she didn't cry.

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