A Sadistic's Diary -Sample- (Reita x Ruki)

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Just as the others, This sample will be the beginning of the story.

Chapter One

Akira stretched as he exited the car. His mother and father were already heading into the new two story building. The moving service pulled into the driveway and they began to help his father unpack. Akira stared up at the house. He had never actually seen it, just heard his parents talking before they bought it. He was curious about the strange look.
From the driveway was a small paved path leading the the large porch. The house-as mentioned before- was two floors tall and it also had a basement. But on the right side of the house was a round tower-like part of the home that was a floor higher. "That's the attic." His father spoke up, noticing Akira had been staring at the pointed roof of the tower.
Akira grabbed a box with his name written on it and headed inside. "You can choose whatever room you like! Just don't fuck anything up!" His father said and Akira headed to a door that contained a spiral staircase. He went up the staircase, realizing this was the one inside the round tower. He came to the first 2nd floor of the tower to realized it was a library. Small but neat. The shelves were built into the walls and had dusty books. Probably just crap the previous owners didn't want. Akira went to the third floor and opened the door. The room was quite spacious and it was completely empty accept for the desk that sat infront of the window.
Akira sat the box on the floor and walked towards the desk. A small book sat on top of said desk. Akira searched the drawers finding numerous drawings and several different men and woman, they looked about his age, 18. He grabbed the book and opened it.
"Diary belonging to Takanori Matsumoto. If found call the number below." Akira mumbled and flipped through it. All the pages had been written on. A picture fell from one of the pages. It was a picture of a smiling boy with blonde hair and hazel eyes. He wore a pair of nerd glasses. Akira looked on the back of the photo. The writing read 'Takanori, age 16' along with the year. That was a year ago. He and Takanori were only a year apart. Akira flipped to the first page and began reading.

"Diary, I'm not sure why I bought this or why I'm writing this but, I've finally caught an understanding of why I've been feeling the way I have. I've taken the tests too. It seems I enjoy other peoples pain. It's just something about it that makes me happy. When that girl in science got cut with the scalpel and the substance began to burn when it touched the wound...when she screamed with pure agony. I couldn't help but smile. I couldn't help but have the feeling of want to cause that sort of pain. I want to be completely in control of someone so I can hurt them as I want. I mean, I'm not doing it to be evil or anything. I just want to see someone completely under my control. It would be interesting to see that happen. ~Takanori, January 18th, 1992"

That was exactly one year ago today that this was written. Akira stared at the page. This kid was seriously messed up. Akira set the diary back on the table and went downstairs. "Mom, I want to have the third floor in the tower." Akira said and she nodded. "Alright, start taking your things up there." She said and went to finish unpacking things in the kitchen. Akira and his father carried a large box up to his room. It held the disassembled bed that Akira was going to have to put together.
Akira walked up the stairs to his new room and looked around the room. It now had his bed in a corner, his own desk built next to the one that was already here and three book cases. Boxes sat next to the bookcases, the boxes held his books. Akira grabbed the diary and sat on his bed. He opened the the second entry.

"Diary, I'm back. It seems I'm in trouble. Mother and father found out about me being gay. Father has been yelling non-stop and mother refuses to talk to me. Father has even began beating me. I wouldn't be surprised if he just killed me. At school someone has been spreading rumors about me too. Even the teachers are treating me differently. My science teacher has even tried to have intercourse with me. After class some guys locked me in the janitor's closet. When the science teacher let me out he said I owed him. He said that he would fail me if I didn't have intercourse with him so I did as he said. When I got home father punched me said that the teacher had called saying I seduced him. I'm the one who can barely walk and father is believing him? Why would I want to seduce someone that's 25 years older than me? He's a disgusting pig! It's no wonder his wife left him and refused to allow him to ever see their children. He said if we paid him he would just forget about it! I'm the one who was raped, not him! Several guys at school have also tried to get with me. If I say no then they spread more rumors worst than the last. If I say yes then they talk about how I act during intercourse. I have no clue what could have taken my reputation to this type of state. So I've decided to make it all go away and just end it, end everything. I've decided, after thinking long and hard, that I'm finally going to commit suicide. ~Takanori, January 25th, 1992"

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