Faking "Alright" -Sample- (Reita x Ruki)

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This is the beginning, the chapter after this is when the story truly begins.

Ruki's P.O.V -Age 11-

"Ruki? Where are you?" I heard the voice behind my door along with a knock. I already knew who it was. Father's friend. I dropped my toys and hid under my bed, trying to remain hidden from the man. "Ruki? My darling." The voice was now in my room. I could hear the man's footsteps. Soon, his feet became visible. I watched as he walked around. "Ruki, come out and play. I know you're in here." The man walked to my closet, opening the doors and looking through my toy box. After closing the door he turned to face my bed. "Under the bed this time?" The man questioned and came towards the bed. He knelt down and lifted the blanket, looking underneath my bed. As soon as he saw me our eyes locked. "There's my darling Ruki." The man reached towards me, grabbing my arm and pulling me towards him. "Come out and play, babe." He pulled me out from under the bed and picked me up. "Are you ready?" The man was smiling brightly. "N-no...your games hurt."
The man sat me on the bed and rubbed a hand on my cheek. "Come on Ruki. You're a big boy, don't you want to play big boy games?" The man sat next to me, placing a hand on my leg, sliding it closer to my private area. "No, i don't want to play your games. They hurt." I gave my reply and the man only laughed. I felt a hand rubbing my back which began to slid down to my bottom. "I don't want to play anymore. Leave me alone." I demanded and the man sighed, standing up again. "Take off your clothes, Ruki." The man demanded and i shook my head. "No. Im not going to play anymore." I shouted and the man slapped me, causing me to fall on my side. "Take off your fucking clothes you little brat. I tried being nice to you but you decided to go the hard way today. Just for that, the games will be much worse today." The man shouted and i let out a sob as he grabbed my hair, yanking me to my feet. "Take off your clothes!" The man screamed once again and i finally obeyed, slowly pulling off my shirt over my head and pushing my pants along with my underwear to the floor. "Good boy." The man's voice was soft again.
The man sat on my bed and patted his lap. I slowly walked towards him, fresh tears rolling down my cheeks. "Come on Ruki, ill let you use my fingers." The man smiled as i climbed onto his lap and turned my back to him. "I don't want to do this anymore." I mumbled. "Shut the fuck up and do this, Ruki." The man demanded and i did the things to myself that he had done so many times.
14th Birthday~~Age 14
I felt the hand on my shoulder tighten as my friends left through the door. Its already 9 at night so my friends had to head home. We were celebrating my 14th birthday party. "Im so sorry your parents forgot and went on that business trip." I felt lips against my ear as the man whispered this. His hand slid down my back and to my bottom, giving my bottom a light squeeze. "Guess what, Ruki. You're now of age. We can finally take our relationship to the next level." The man kissed my neck and i bit my lip. "You know what sex is, right? Before it was just my fingers and toys in your nice little bottom. Now im going to get to put my cock inside you." The man was gleeful while i was feeling sick already. "Let's go to your room." The man kept his hand on my lower back as we walked upstairs and into my room. "Strip for me, Ruki." The man demanded and i sighed, watching him as he went and sat on the edge of my bed. "Go on babe, strip." The man was waiting, watching me hungrily. My stomach turned and i felt really sick as i slowly pulled my shirt off over my head. I turned my back to the man and dropped my shirt to the floor. I slowly began to push my pants and boxers down, bending down infront of the man like he had began ordering me to a few months ago. "Yea baby, just like that." The man said and i turned to face him. "You have such a beautiful body, Ruki. Now my darling, come here." The man ordered.
I sighed and walked towards the bed, climbing onto it and sitting in his lap with a leg on both sides. "That's right, im glad you remembered." The man pressed a kiss to my lips and dug two fingers deep inside me. I gasped and leaned forward, wrapping my arms around his neck. "If you gasped because of fingers, just wait until i get my dick inside you." The man was chuckling, I buried my face into his shoulder, keeping my eyes tightly shut. If I don't see it, it's not real. He's not real. This isn't happening. I don't see him, he's not real. He's not real. This isn't happening. I don't see him, he's not real. He's not real. This isn't happening. I don't want to see him, I don't want him to be real. I don't want him to be real. I don't want this to be happening. I could feel my tears seeping into his shirt. I don't want this. "Please don't." I mumbled the words and his hands stopped. "What was that, babe?" The man pulled his fingers from my bottom and forced me to look him in the eye. "What's wrong, my darling?" The man pressed a kiss to my cheek. "I don't want this. I feel sick." I mumbled the words and he placed his hands on my hips. "It's alright darling. I'll be gentle with you." He smiled at me and I only shook my head. My chest felt tight, it almost felt as if I couldn't breathe. "I don't want to have sex."
The man stared at me, thinking over my words. I was finally speaking up. I'm not going to back down this time. I'm not going to back down this time. I won't back down this time, not this time. "I don't want you to be my first." I said and the man snorted. "What's wrong, babe?" The man's hold on my hips tightened and I could see the anger beginning to boil. "I don't want to have sex with you." I growled and the man slapped me. "I don't want to have sex with you!" I shouted and the man pushed me to the floor and stood. He kicked me in the stomach and I let out a scream. "Get up bitch!" The man shouted at me, grabbing my arm and yanking me to my feet. He threw me on the bed and pinned me down. "Maybe I'll just fuck you without preparation then!" The man shouted and I punched him, his nose began to gush blood, the red liquid dripping onto my skin. I received another slap to the face and he forced his fingers back inside of me, three this time. "Stop!" I screamed and began punching him, face, chest, and throat, whatever I could hit.
"Ruki?" I heard mother's voice from downstairs. "Ruki? Are you home?" Mother asked and I could hear her footsteps as she came up the stairs. A knock on my door. "Mother help me!" I shouted and the door opened. Mother stood in the doorway and froze when she saw me. "What are you doing! Get off him!" Mother shouted and came to the bed, grabbing the man's arm and trying to pull him off me. "Get away." The man pushed mother to the floor and continued his attack on me. Mother stood and ran out of the room, "mother! No mother come back!" I screamed and my tears began to blur my vision. Soon mother was back with mr. Tenmyouji from next door. Mr. Tenmyouji grabbed ahold of the man and pulled him off me, slamming him to the wall and holding him against it. Mother came to the bed and hugged me, holding me tightly as I cried. "I knew I had a feeling that I should return early." Mother said and kissed the top of my head. The police soon came into the room and arrested the man. "Ma'am, we need to take your daughter to the hospital." A police officer said and mother glared at him. "This is my son. I don't have a daughter. Why do you need him to go to the hospital?" Mother demanded and held me closer. "To preform a rape kit on him of course. We need to see how long this has been going on."
"No, I...I don't want to." I bit my lip after mumbling this. "Ma'am, if you want to make sure this man never does this again we need your daughter-I mean son- to do this."
"No! Mother don't make me!" I begged as the doctor tried to take me from my mother. "Please I don't want to do it!" I screamed and mother stood, helping the doctor take me into the room. "Please have him remove his clothes." The doctor ordered and mother looked me in the eye. "Ruki, you need to be a big boy and do this for me. If you don't do this then Eiji could do this to you again." Mother said and I shook my head. "I never want to see Eiji again! I've been telling you he is mean to me and I don't like him!" I shouted and mother sighed. "Ruki, why didn't you tell me he did these things?" Mother asked and I shook my head. "Ruki, please let them test you. That way we can make sure you never have to worry about him again." I only nodded to what mother said and took my clothes off, placing them in the bags they provided us with. I put on the hospital gown and followed the doctor and nurses into a room. The doctor picked me up and sat me on a bed with metal holders at the end. "Alright Ruki, lay down." The doctor ordered and I did as told. "Alright Mrs Matsumoto, sign this paper giving us full permission to preform this and we can get started." The doctor handed my mother a clipboard with a few papers. After reading through them my mother signed all of them and handed them to a nurse who left the room. The doctor grabbed my ankles and a nurse grabbed my shoulders and slid me to the metal holders. "Place your feet on the metal brackets." The doctor ordered and I obeyed. "Is this going to hurt?" I asked and the doctor sighed. "Depends." The doctor replied and mother grabbed my right hand, squeezing it tightly. "Just relax and try not to think about it." The doctor ordered and I bit my lip. A nurse grabbed my other hand and two more nurses grabbed my legs, holding them open. "Wait...w-what're you doing?" I asked as I felt a liquid being smeared on my bottom. Then I screamed at the pain. I began struggling until two more nurses entered the room. One held my shoulders against the bed while the other grabbed my hips. I was forced to be still as whatever they were doing was forced upon me. "It hurts!" I shouted and buried my nails in my mother's hand. "Please stop!" I begged and eventually whatever it was began to come out of my bottom. A feeling of relief washed over me as all was left was a slight burning sensation. I relaxed onto the bed and closed my eyes as I began crying yet again today. "Alright nurses, help him down." The doctor ordered and placed the object that had just been in my bottom into a bag.
As my feet were set on the floor my legs wobbled and gave out. I sat on the floor and mother knelt next to me. "Ruki? Are you alright?" Mother asked, patting my back. "Give him a wheel chair and take him to a room for further testing. Don't worry Ruki, the worst is over with." The doctor said and mother helped me sit in the wheel chair. I was wheeled down a long hallway and into an elevator. The elevator stopped on the 5th floor and I was wheeled down another hallway and into a room. Mother helped me into the bed and I laid down. "Ruki, are you alright?" Mother asked her same question and I shook my head. "You knew they were going to do that! Why did you let them!" I shouted and mother sighed. "Ruki, I'm sorry. But with this Eiji will never hurt you again." Mother caressed my cheek. "Haven't I been sodomized enough!" I shouted and mother sighed. "How long has he been doing this to you, Ruki?" Mother asked and I sighed, "for a long time."
A nurse and a female police officer entered the room. The officer carried a camera with a large flash on it. "Mrs Matsumoto, can you step outside please?" The officer asked and the nurse led my mother out into he hallway. "Hello Ruki. My name is Mizuki. What I got here is a camera. It's special camera that uses radiated light from the flash to reveal bruises we cannot see with the negative eye. This will give us another idea of how long you've been abused by mr Eiji." Mizuki smiled and I nodded. "Can you take the top half of your gown off. I only need your stomach, chest, and everything above." Mizuki asked and I nodded. She helped me untie the strings at my back and I let the gown slide down onto my lap. "Alright now hold still." Mizuki took a few picture from the front and my back. "Thank you very much, Ruki." She smiled and helped me retie the strings on my gown. "I'm terribly sorry for everything that's happened. So I'm going to do everything I can to make sure that man never even gets to see you again. Here's my card if you ever have anything to tell, alright?" Mizuki smiled and I took the card, only nodding.
I sat in my hospital bed, officer Mizuki and her partner, Lee, were sitting in chairs next to my bed. "Ruki, can you tell us what Eiji has done to you? When exactly did it start?" Mizuki asked and I thought about the years I'd known Eiji.
"Eiji was my father's best friend when they were growing up. Eiji's sister was dating my mother's brother. Eiji became friends with my mother and introduced her to my father. Soon my father and mother began dating and eventually married. Eiji had always been around me. He was really nice and I loved him. I loved to spend time with him. Then around the age of 9 I was about to turn 10. It was just another night. Mother and father were on a business trip and like always Eiji was my babysitter. His time he read me my bedtime story as usual and turned the light off. Eiji left the room and kept my door cracked so light from the hallway could be in my room. I fell asleep. Sometime during the night I woke up. Eiji had taken of my clothes and was just sitting next to my bed, staring at me. He asked me to do sexual things like touching myself. I didn't understand at the time what those things meant. When I was about to turn 11 have started making me..." I bit my lip and shook my head. Mizuki waited in silence while her partner became restless. "What happened?" Lee ordered and Mizuki smacked the back of his head, "Hush Lee. Take your time Ruki." Mizuki smiled and I nodded. I bit my lip and sighed. "It was a month or two before I turned 11. He told me to finger myself. I wasn't sure what he meant until he grabbed my wrist and place my hand at my bottom and explained. I didn't want to but he made me. The week after my 11th birthday was when he himself began sodomizing me. Sometimes he would bring sex toys or find something in my room that he could use, one day he even used one of my jenga blocks. The next day I laid in my bed. I was still upset, I was disgusted. I felt sick and I just wanted to vomit. I only got up to throw away the block he had used and I went right back to bed until he came into my room. He told me that since I skipped breakfast I would have to eat more for lunch than usual. That day I ate until I couldn't eat anymore. When I refused to continue eating he held me down and force fed me until I began to choke of the food. I passed out. I remember waking up in bed, my chest hurting and Eiji was sitting next to the bed. He explained I had left my body but he brought me back with cpr or something. From the time I was 9 until now he had been doing these things to me. Last night was my 14th birthday. Since I was finally at the legal age for sex he said he was going to take our relationship to the next level. He said he would force me to finally have my first real time. He made me strip for him and sit on his lap. He forced his fingers into my bottom and I began crying. I begged him to stop. I eventually started hitting him and he threw me to the floor and kicked me in the stomach. He threw me on the bed and forced his fingers in my bottom again. My mother came home and caught him. After he pushed her away she ran to get me Tenmyouji. If mr Tenmyouji didn't come then Eiji may have gotten his way with me."
Mizuki put her notepad away and so did Lee. "I wrote down your statement. Don't worry Ruki, we will get this guy put away. But you will have to testify against him if he doesn't plea guilty." Mizuki gave a half smile and stood, she and Lee left the room.
I sat in the courtroom, waiting for my turn on the stand. I didn't want to face him. I didn't want to see him. I didn't want to say these things I front of him. "Victim, Ruki. Please come up on the witness stand." He judge ordered I sighed, standing and walking towards the stand, stepping up and facing the courtroom. "Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth?" I was asked and I nodded my head, "yes." I sat in the chair and awaited the questions and judgement. "Please stand." I did as said and faced the judge, "Ruki, how old are you?" The judge asked and I bit my lip. "I am 14." I said and the murmurs in the courtroom began. He judge slammed her mallet on her desk. "Silence." She demanded and turned back to face me. "Tell me, Ruki. Why are you pressing charges and on who are you pressing the charges against?"
I pointed to Eiji, "Eiji. He has been sodomizing me since I was only 9 years old." I replied and the judge nodded. "Alright Ruki, please explain to the court what the word 'sodomized' means." The judge said and I took a breath. "Sexually penetrated. Unnatural sexual intercourse with a person, usually anally, which is through the bottom." I was embarrassed, why is Eiji making me do this? Why couldn't he just plead guilty? "Explain to us what this man did to you." The judge ordered and I felt the tears finally come as I sat in the witness chair. "H-he... Eiji forced different things into my bottom. He used sex toys and even used a jenga block one night. He...Eiji even used his fingers." I bit my lip and noticed how Eiji began to smile. He's doing this to humiliate me. I buried my face in my hands as I began to cry. "You're honor, I feel like he's had enough. Ruki already has to live with these memories. Please, respect him and do not force him to repeat them. Officer Mizuki has his story written down in detailed quotations." My lawyer stood and the judge slammed her mallet down again. "Ruki, go back to your seat. We call officer Mizuki up for now. But you will have to tell us more later." The judge said and I stood, walking back to my chair between my lawyer and my mother. Mizuki read everything I had told her. She even gave her notepad to the judge to look over. "We will send this into the jury room for each jury member to read over individually when it's time for them to make their decision." The jury handed the notepad the the security guard and continued on with the court process. "Ruki, please come up again." The judge said and I nodded, heading back up and sitting in the witness chair. "We've heard Mizuki's notes. Now tell us your story, anything you may have accidentally left out."
"When I was 11. I began hiding from Eiji. I had stopped hiding in the closet because he knew I'd hide there every time. I hid under the bed and it took Eiji a few minutes to find me. Once Eiji found me he grabbed my arm and pulled me to him. Eiji sat me on the bed and began talking about how I'm a big boy and I can now play big boy games with him. I told Eiji I didn't want to play because his games hurt. Eiji ordered me to take off my clothes to which I said no. As I kept saying no, Eiji slapped me, causing me to completely collapse on my bed. Eiji said 'Take off your fucking clothes you little brat. Just for that, the games will be much worse today.' I stripped my clothes and Eiji ordered me to sodomize myself with his fingers." I looked down, covering my face with my hands. "Thank you Ruki. You can go take your seat." The judge said and I looked up at her, my tears blurring my vision, "thank you."
"Alright, in just two and a half hours, the jury has come to a decision." The judge said and the head jury member stood. "We the jury find the defendant guilty of the following charges: assault, sexual battery, both sexual and domestic abuse, and molestation of a child." The man sat down and the judge nodded. "I sentence you to 18 years with an additional 4 years. You will be available for parole after 15 years." The judge slammed her mallet down. I felt a huge weight lift off my shoulders and relief flowed into my mind. It's over, it's finally over. I stood and began to leave until I heard the mallet slam again. I turned to face the judge. "You're Honor, I would like to apologize to Ruki, face to face. I feel extremely terrible for everything I've done and it's going to be my biggest regret as long as I live." Eiji said and I felt my heart drop. Eiji turned to face me. The officer had a tight hold on his shoulder as they walked towards me. "Ruki, I'm very very sorry for what I've done to you. I hope that one day you may come to forgive me." Eiji said and I just stared at him. Without warning, Eiji's hands flew to my neck and he pulled me into a deep kiss, his knee pressing against my groin. I tried pushing Eiji away as his grip on my throat tightened, the officer trying to pull Eiji way. I began punching Eiji and he forced his tongue into my mouth and nearly down my throat. Finally Eiji was pulled off and I pushed away from him. "I still love you, Ruki." Eiji said as he was being pulled out of the room. I couldn't stand to look at him any longer. I'm just glad I don't have to see him anymore.

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