Chapter Eleven

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"Hey," he said. The rumbling of his thunderous voice had me in an instant trance.

I found myself easily charmed by his striking features. They stood out in the most graceful of ways. I felt like I could actually touch the golden rays that beamed from his tall, lean, firm, gorgeous, amazing, absolutely beau-.

Snap out of it, I scolded myself.

Shaking my head from the not so censorable thoughts, I give a small smile and look away.

"I'm sorry I uh.... i forgot you couldn't talk," he gave a nervous laugh and rubbed the back of his neck.

Giving him a cert nod, I smiled with my eyes.

"Well then, I guess I have to change my plans... for now that is," he says still smiling while staring at me with this big gray eyes of his.

I honestly don't know why I didn't look away from the intense gaze he was giving me, but for some reason I felt like it was okay.

"Oh, I uh- I have this survey I'm handing out for all of my future students to fill out and sign," he states while digging into a sports bag I didn't see till now. I watched as he turned around and squatted, searching for whatever. His leg muscles flexed and I swear I swooned. "Here you go. First one, on top of the others," he shrugs while he hands me a two page packet.

I studied the questions on the front page which seemed easy enough to answer. Folding it, I placed it in my shorts pocket.

"It's due Monday so you have all weekend to fill it out."

Again he smiles his toothy grin and opens his mouth to speak but just as he does Selene walks out the door and approaches him with a flirtatious strut.

Oh boy, the hoe of the year is here.

"Hello Mr. Black," she winks.

A slight grimace graced his plump lips and I try not to giggle. He eyes her curiously and sidesteps when she reaches out to touch him. Anger boils within my chest and I stare her down, burning holes at the back of her head. One last award winning smile and a sway of her hips she circles around him once before focusing in on me.

"What's the matter, Val, can't handle competition? Oh wait, I'm sorry, I almost forgot. How can you be in the race when no one even spares you a glance. But, I give you an A for effort. Your daddy must be so proud." She whispers in my ear with a half laugh before walking away to her group of skanks.

Just then all the others crowded outside chatting and I felt completely ashamed.

"Alright people, now that you've all showered and dressed I would like to formally introduce you to your new coach, Mr. Black. He will take on head coaching position in my permanent absence starting on the second Monday from today," Coach Lenard states loudly so everyone could hear.

Cheers roared and claps boomed. The girls were excited about the change, but me..... I didn't want to lose Coach Lenard. He's practically all I have and all I ever had, besides Julie and her twin brother and their younger brother... and my dad.

"Mr. Black, please feel free to tell us about yourself," he continued.

All attention was gathered on him now, even I was listening despite how embarrassed I was.

"Well, my name is Mr. Black as I'm sure you've figured out by now. I'm 26, I've taught trainees before back at the battle room. I also have just graduated college with a bachelor's degree in English and phycology. I am a firm believer in hard work as well as team work. Know this now before we ever have to go through it in the future, which I hope we won't, I do not put up with any slacking. If I see you slacking you will be put in detention. The first time it happens you'll stay after school and run laps, the second time it happens you will be put in detention, and the third time it may happen you will be staying after school every day cleaning the sports equipment and painting the field as well as doing double the expected amount of exercise in class. Stict and harsh, go ahead and say it, but I promise you.... I'm a man of my word," he finishes.

Our mouths were completely wide open and after a long pause we simultaneously groaned at the thought. I groaned so much I coughed and had to gasp for air.

Well this just made the extremely attractive hunk before me look like a giant piece of attractive hunk shit.

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