Chapter Fourteen

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A rush of cold air hit me with no remorse. I can feel my body being lulled around and I was thankful for the cold breeze that soothed my aching form. The one thing I don't appreciate is how much teeth clenching, mind splitting, heart stopping pain I am in.

My face felt swollen and my body felt weak and heavy. If it weren't for the rocking motion I would have forgotten that I was beaten to a pulp by my own birth giver. The pure anger she possessed had been more than I could handle. My mind had shut down as soon as it found an opportunity to ease me away from reality. But now I can't think of anything else but what my mom had told me.

I had never known of the life Carren had to literally fight for on a daily basis. I didn't know that she had willingly gave her virtue to males who were not my father and that my father did the same with his chosen mate who almost immediately beared weight of their child. Learning that I have another brother who shares half blood is mind boggling. I mean, who is this mystery heir? How come he doesn't stop for visits to his extra family?

Carren never said we were close, but I can't imagine not forming some tight bond with this male pup since we shared a dad.

Will I ever see him?

My thoughts began to race at the sudden realization. Mom had said that he was a first born and that means that he'd be next in line after dad's death. He must have been a child still, not a full six years older than myself. According to Carren and Tomias, my father was an alpha of our pack, Blue Moon, which would make this male our current alpha. Thinking back my memory was hazy till I remembered the beautiful Edwardian script handwriting on an expensive baige piece of paper written specifically for Carren. At the bottom on the backside the alpha had signed his name.

Alpha Valton, Blue Moon Pack

The words splayed across a black canvas like a billboard sign.

So my brother is Alpha Valton? How can that be? Alpha Valton was rumoured to be a replacement, someone who stepped up from their position as the pack's warrior- the second best thing to an alpha because of their great level of discipline, confidence, quick thinking, and protectiveness that ranked more than an actual alpha- to Alpha because of either a disappearance of the leader, death of the leader, or for when the heir backed out from his rightful duties.

Now I felt a headache coming on. This is all too much for my mind to take in at once. My hormones are starting to go into over drive with a mix of frustration and confusion.

Now every thought is brushed over to the point I can't concentrate on anything.

A small whimper sounds, but it doesn't escape my throat. The action is solely in my head. Only I can hear my pitiful cries for release from this trap of mystery.


A/N: I hope you enjoyed Part One of this chapter. It was total crap ik. 😂😂😂 You guys are gonna kill me for flipping things on you. Now you're probably wondering if she's gonna somehow make it to prom. Want a spoiler alert? Message me. I will answer two questions per person.

Any thoughts on my horrible writing skills? Yes? Dang....

Let's vote shall we?

Q1: Should I allow her to make it to prom even though she just got beat to shits and is human so no way in hell is she gonna recover in time?
Yes= 😍
No= 😝

(I can at least type an extra "Fan Chap" where it's just for fun and give you something to read that's not actually part of the book)

Q2: Who do you think it is, her eldest brother I mean?

Comment your responses plesh???

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Have funsies and cookies because who doesn't like cookies? 😙

-poof of corndogs and chips;

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