Chapter Twenty-one

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The smell of mesquite wood burning filled the air exciting my senses.

Today was my eighth birthday and I couldn't be more enthused. Daddy asked the pack members to gather for a celebration like usual but this time I'd be the main center of attention. Every year the pack paid more attention to their alpha but Daddy said today is my day. To acknowledge me and not him. Focus on me and not him. Hence why there was so much being put into my birthday party to make it one hundred percent me friendly.

I love barbeque. The cooks are preparing a wide variety of meats to put on the pits.

I love bubbles. There's bubble machines scattered around the back yard just waiting to be turned on once I arrive outside.

I love ice cream. There's dozens and dozens of different ice cream flavors in the portable deep freezers outside by the food tables.

I love glitter, anything sparky really. Daddy had everyone put on glitter sashes and dressed the picnic tables with a strip of glittery cloth.

I also love purple. "My baby likes purple? She'll get purple," Daddy had said. All the decorations were different shades of purple. From cotton candy to pastel to plum to royal.

All the side dishes was cooked. All the tables were decorated. There was even a balloon alter where my purple princess throne was and I couldn't have been more thankful and excited.

I watched from the window in my Daddy's office as the members rushed to find their seats.

A squeal erupted from my mouth as I turned back around and pranced over to where he was sitting on his desk.

A big smile greeted me as he kneeled down and adjusted the flower on the shoulder of my dress.

"I see someone's super happy," he smiled.

"Super super super happy!" I beamed up at him.

"I'm glad you like it sweetheart. I'd do anything in the world to make you happy."

I was about to speak when a series of screams rang out from the backyard.


'Mr. Black?'

He looked exactly like how I saw him that day at the track. The only difference is he looked tired, unkempt, his hair unruly as if he had spent hours running his fingers through those deep brown locks of his. His eyes once dull mere seconds before had brightened considerably; relief.

Taking a whiff it hit me.


"Well if he's fired then who's going to replace him? Coach Lenard is going to be moving in a couple of weeks," Dylan pipes up.

He is, where's he moving to?

Sadness overwhelmed me and I huffed like a child.

"I don't really know, hmm..." Julie sat in wonder.

"Whoever it is I hope it's a chick, we have way too many guy teachers here," Dylan complains.

Great, now I'm curious.

Suddenly I got a whiff of the most amazing and delicious scent I had ever had the privilege of smelling. The fragrance was that of fresh rain and... black ice? Either way, whatever it was, it had my mouth watering for more.

I lifted my small nose and tried to pinpoint the direction it was coming from, but as I followed it to my left a student walked passed my chair and it was gone, just like that.

End of flashback.

It was him. He's the one I had smelt what seemed ages ago. I fell so desperate to breathe in that wonderful scent again then just to find out it was him.

"I... I thought you were gone," he croaked.

A whimper left my throat at the sight of him hurting.

"I thought you died."

A short bark left me at the thought.

Reaching me he hesitantly held out a hand. The urge to let him touch me was strong. Leaning into his palm I jumped at the shocks that took over my cheek and spread through out my entire body.


.... Julie knew that something was wrong and the only way to figure out just what it is she needed to keep her wolf at bay. She hiccuped a cry as her body pushed forward. Her eyes changing from hazel brown to black and back. Finally she lost, her wolf too strong, and she once again took me know her hold. Applying more pressure this time. Black dots started clouding my vision and I ground my teeth together. I was right on the edge of consciousness and unconsciousness then death. I was happy and terrified at the same time. It was a beautiful dream and a horrible nightmare all in one and I was given a one way ticket to my wanted destiny. A small smile formed on my lips.

This is it, I'm coming home to you dad.

"Mate!" growls out a deep masculine voice from off to my left. It seemed close thanks to how loud the voice boomed, but I knew it was from off in the distance.

"Hey, what's going on here?" a deep voice that I recognized as the principal's yelled.

I couldn't see where he was since my vision is all dark now. A pair of strong arms wrapped around my body while two hands pried off Julie's fingers from around my neck.

"Julie, office now, you are not welcome at this school every again," says Mr. Bick our principal.

I didn't hear the rest, I found myself slipping into an unconscious state as a hand gently brushed strands of hair out of my face. Darkness consumed me and I welcomed it with open arms.

End of flashback.


"I didn't know if I'd ever see your eyes again... Ever since I first saw you at the track I knew I couldn't live without you."

My heart swelled. It was fast. Everything was happening so fast. I don't understand how I'm coping with it all. Am I mentally unstable right now? That's a theory I'm willing to test saying Alania hasn't said anything yet. Is any of this even happening? Okay that's dumb. Obviously it is because I don't feel like I'm dreaming and the pain I went through about five minutes ago would absolutely shatter any thought of this being fake.

"I did something horrible... Please forgive me," he whispered, almost too quite for me to pick up.

'What did he do?'

"I revealed myself to the council. I didn't want to live knowing you were dead. I waited. I waited three days and you still didn't come back to me.... The nurses tried to take you away and prepare your funeral but I wouldn't let them." He took a ragged breath and continued, "I made them keep you here and when you still didn't wake up I revealed myself to the world. They now know I'm the Lycan and now they're coming for me."


A/N: 💀💀💀 brooooooooo that escalated soooooooooo fast. How about we slow it down with.... Well I'll let you guys decide since no chapters will be uploaded until I get feedback. Remember... feedback fuels the author's creativity. Without it there is no book.

What do you want the next filler chapters to be about?

A: Preparations for what's to come
B: Memories/Dreams
C: Alania and Val reconnecting
D: Backstory/P.O.V for Mr. Black

Comment your votes!

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