Would you ever? - Sniper x Reader

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Giving this a go..... First fic is Sniper x Reader. Figured I'd update this more often than my Sniper x Reader book, since that's still basically in the development stages. :3 "Would you ever" is kinda like "Would you rather", and doesn't beg much of an explanation. Fanart is NOT MINE, YA HEAR??? I wish I was that talented -3-

Enjoy, mah koalas!


(Y/N) tapped her finger impatiently on the glass of beer she was drinking, as she chilled with her best friend Sniper in his van. "Your turn."

The Aussie stared into his drink thoughtfully.
"Would you ever drive to work naked?"

(Y/N) raised an eyebrow and tried not to laugh. "We live at work remember?" Sniper nearly pissed himself with laughter at this. "Oh yeah! Assume you weren't a merc then."

"Hmm. I guess if I was a stripper or something then sure. I mean I'd end up being naked anyway, but I'd never do a job like that sooo... I'd probably be in an office job or something, so of course I wouldn't."

"Not even for money?" Sniper wiggled his eyebrows sexily under his slouch hat.
"Your turn then."

"Would you ever date a girl?" Oh god, (Y/N) thought to herself. What a stupid question!!!

"As opposed to dating a guy? Sure it'd have to be a Sheila. Not any sorta sheila though, she'd have to be special." He leaned forward in his chair and smirked.

"Umm.. What kind of special..." (Y/N) tried to act nonchalant, but feared her light blushing was giving her away. She noticed her hand was shaking, so she put her empty beer on the ground next to her.

Sniper lightly touched her knee, and his hat just covered his eyes. "She'd have ta be strong..." he murmured. "And bloody fierce in bed." (Y/N)'s eyes grew wide and she swallowed imperceptibly. She tried to keep her blushing under control and tried not to notice the warm callouses of Sniper's fingers on her knee, giving her a fuzzy feeling inside. "...and she'd be cute as a lil' koala..." he purred, moving his face closer to hers. "Your turn."

(Y/N) knew without a doubt that if there was any time to make her feelings known, this would be it. She shifted forward and cradled Sniper's cheek in her hand, loving the way that he automatically nuzzled against it, as if his sharp cheekbones were perfectly moulded to her hand. She took his drink from him with her other hand and put it next to hers, moving to gently remove his hat.

"Would you ever... consider me? As a... sheila... as anything more?"

He gently touched his lips to hers, kissing her softly but thoroughly, and tasting the light beer on her tongue. He pulled her closer and sat her on his lap, until she could feel his body heat. The kiss ended sweetly, and (Y/N) rested her forehead against his. She could see Sniper's shy little grin.

"What do you think?"

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