The Book

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I have forgotten who i am,

I have let myself dissolve

into the mold of those around me

The things i have done,

or even my thoughts,

I start to question,

I used to keep my creativity close,
Close to my soul,

It was only thing to keep me uplifted, and far from being cold,

It is an old book left,
in the dark musty attic,

it gets complied with dust,

The pages are yellowing,
in the corners,
As the Cover starts to rust,

it appears much older than reality,
Once again,
I venture up the creaky stairs,
to open it again,

Some unfortunate events

And a special person,

pushed me,
to realize the importance
Importance of this book,
In my life,

The lesson embedded into every word,

crafted to fit everyday ,

It keeps a smooth rhythm of suspense,

to keep me turning every page,

Always wanting more,

It kept me safe,

and let me travel to places in my subconscious,

that I would never dare enter,

The thoughts it would inspire,

and hopes it would fulfill,


Years later,

I will drown in the pleasure of knowing

the book of creativity is a part of me

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