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I had a scary thought that him and his lover showed up at my spot
Stared me down
Showed what they became
The happiness and prosperity
Whilst looking down upon me
With that sneaky grin
Pitying the site of me

Look at the long haired girl
She is still pining for me
She will never be happy
Cause she isnt worth anyone's interest
She deserves to be miserable and on her own
But I am great
Look at my life
I have the perfect life and wife

She is so lonely
Barely able to get to my level
Never will she move on
Cause I am her first

I stare at them
Along with ashamed
Why did I ever love him?
Why did I ever feel?
Why was he the one my heart bled for?
Even though
This scene may never happen
I feel his taunting "I wins"
In my head

His voice isnt the only one taunting me
But all men
we won
You tried to play the battle but
Never won
We are the amazing award winners
And you will never receive the treatment you think you deserve because
You just ain't that special toots.

Chapters of IrrationalityTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang