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why do I still think about you
I've erased you from the records
Cut up the memories
Deleted all the evidence
Yet when I close my eyes
You are still haunting me

We are died
Time has passed
Let the memories dissolve too
Just as we cut up
What we had

Why cant I get passed it
I think it's because I need to say sorry for
What I said to you
Not acknowledging how we were
And how I had become is eating me alive
I think I need to say sorry
To feel human inside
Instead of worrying what u may think
Time has passed
You may not want a
Text, a ring or reminder
Of me
I want to say sorry for the hurt
And the reason we cant be together
You see?

But can I bring the courage to actually dial the phone?
Or should I let bygones be bygones
And let it end
In here
In my notes

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