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I feel so tired
I feel like killing myself again
It is a new recurrent theme
I thought had ended
Yet here it is
Back in my head
Making me feel so dreaded

I dont know what has brought it back
Perhaps the string events from the weddings and back?
The voices telling me why did you not find someone yet? Are you not good enough?
Perhaps it is the educational system pushing me to the edge
Telling me if I dont complete this or that
I am better off dead
As the stress starts to build
Let's not forget the faces
Which judge me everyday
For not being nice enough
Pretty enough
Or just average in every way

There is nothing extraordinary about you
There is proof in the way
Your life is playing out

You are doomed in all the glory
As your ego is starting to toll
 Because no one I know
 Is keen on seeing me

 those are reasons my mind is
In an insomniac state
May it settle down in time
Because I can't erase it from my fate
For the most important assessment
Is starting to arise
That is


Chapters of IrrationalityOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora