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The buzz here at Tyran NYC Middle School is how Jesse and Jeana broke up.

Hey! My name's Luchia! People usually call me Lu, or sometimes Lucy. I'm 13 years old, but in 4 months and 20 days, I'll be 14. My birthday's January 21, 2003, which currently makes it September first.

A few things you should know about me are, I'm an athlete, basketball and track & field are my main sports, but I guess my parents were both dominate in the athletic gene. Of course, I don't know my parents. I'm adopted. I don't know who my father is, I don't know who my mother is, but I do know that I'll never forgive them. Never. Plain and simple, they abandon me, I abandon them.

What am I thinking?? Like they'd ever come back for me to even have that chance!?

My head's too high up in the clouds.

I'm in 8th grade at T-NYC, we're the T-Rex's.

I'm not saying I'm popular, but I'm up there. Not the white girls, no, no, no. Not enough money to afford what they wear. Kylie Jenner lip kits? I'd be lucky if my foster parents let me have or buy lipstick. For now, I'm stuck with lipgloss. Lipgloss.

I have one really close friend, the only one who knows about my parents. Man, if I went around letting people know I don't know my biological parents, I'd be some real attention sucking mother fucker. ANYWAY, her name's Maria.

I have dirty blonde, thick hair that goes down to my lower back, and is simply a hassle. I have blue eyes, with a brown ring circling the pupil.

Like I said before, the one popular thing is to watch pranking videos. Especially Jessie and Jeana's Prank vs Prank and BFvsGF. So when they uploaded that video about breaking up yesterday, all hell broke loose at school. Many kids were absent, some were so emotionally down, you could feel it from a mile away.

Not fun today, NOT fun.

I thought they were the best couple. If I were ever to get adopted by someone known, I'd want it to be them!

But they weren't even married. Boooooo.

I sit on my phone, scrolling through Instagram when a text pops up with Maria's name.




LuLu: alright, alright.

I double click and hurry to change my Instagram name, then Twitter, then vine, etc.

LuLu: done. you gon' tell me why now??


I quickly get to Twitter and refresh my feed and read his tweet.

What if I told you I might have a 14yr daughter I never met? And she watches my videos and doesn't know I'm her dad.

I groan and roll my eyes before changing my name back to @/LuLuchia on everything.

LuLu: alright, just because I watch his videos, am close to 14, and was given up my biological parents does not mean you have to go scaring me like that. Chances are 1 in a million

Maria: you changed them back??? Lu, it could be you!

LuLu: Fucking

LuLu: MARIA. What personalities do you see that he has that were passed down to me?? NONE.

Maria: I'm sorry! But you said the chances are 1 in a million, not 0 out of a million.

LuLu: gooooooood night.

Maria: night :/

Hey!!!! This is my story on Jesse and Luchia

Just FYI, I don't know who she is, I don't even live up in the west.

I just have a passion for writing and cute guys. (Jesse)

If I've misspelled, or have grammar mistakes, please leave a comment so I can correct them! Thanks!

&quot;Her name is Luchia. 13 years old&quot;Where stories live. Discover now