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I cry to myself while sitting in a dark room.

It's not just that it hurt, or I was scared (because I was both), but it was also super embarrassing.

Him smacking my ass after having a chase down was definitely not what I expected. I could've sworn he was bluffing.

I just wish I wore thicker pants- He's strong as fuck!

I sit up and dry my tears, getting over the harsh reality.

"Luchia?" I hear Dad through the door. My head snaps towards the door.

"Luchia?" He asks again. "Let me in."

My face goes red with embarrassment as I hear his voice. It was no longer angry like a while ago, but it wasn't sounding sorry, like at dinner.

The dinner I didn't finish :/.

"Go away." I say stubbornly.

"Luchia." He says with a bit of warning in his tone. "C'mon. Let me in, let's talk."

He wants to talk about this?! How awkward.

"I'll break it down." I can hear the smirk in his voice.

I slowly get up and walk towards the door.

"Wait there for four seconds when I unlock it." I say, placing a hand on the door knob.


"Just do it please." I beg. "Promise?"

He sighs, defeated. "I promise."

I unlock it and sprint and jump on my bed as he counts down from four.

I throw the blanket over my head.

"One... Can I come in now?" He asks and proceeds to open the door.

"Where'd she go??!" He playfully says.

I can't help but smile.

"Luchia!" He calls. "Luchia! Where are you?!"

I feel the end of my bed sink down.

"She can't be... In here?!!" He pulls the sheet off completely, leaving me in a curled up position. I let out a laugh and sit up.

"There she is!" He says, and moves closer to hug me.

"Luchia!" He gasps, holding my head like a worried mother. "I thought I lost you!"

I giggle lightly. He pulls back with hands on my shoulders and becomes serious.

"Luchia- I love you. I love you so much."

"I know." I say quietly.

"I want the best for you. So I'm going to do what's necessary. Understand?" He asks.

"Mhm." I mumble and nod my head.

I don't know that I still agree with this, but we're making up, and I guess I want that more.

"Okay." He smiles at me. "If you're still hungry, your food is still on the table."

I smile widely. "Food!!!"


I sat down and dug back into my food as dad also did the same.

"Oh my god." He exclaims, looking at me. "You're a child."

My eyebrows knit together at his stupid statement.

"Very true." I say confused.

"Children go to school still!" He laughs.

Oh shit. I groan.

"Don't make me do that kind of torture! Pleeeeeaaaasssseeee dad, please." I beg.

"Oh come on, it's not that bad." He says, taking a bite of his Chipotle.

"Please dad!!" I whine.

"Why don't you want to go??" He asks.

"It's just boring, and I have to get up in the morning, and I don't want to explain why I've been gone for a month." I groan.

"Why would you have to explain? Everyone must know, right?" He asks.

I swerve the question.

"What about being homeschooled? Online?" I ask.

"Luchia.. Who would you have to explain to?" He asks.

"You know... Just..." I drag my answer out.

"Lu.. Come on." He persuades me to answer.

I sigh. "You're like the biggest thing in the school, so when people found out all this information about her, like where she lives, her name, and age- and they all match up with me, people started questioning me."

"So? What's wrong with that?" He asks.

"People didn't know I was a foster kid, dad! I was so embarrassed to say my parents gave me up, so no one knew. If I go back with your last name, I'll be a liar, I'll be a freak, It'll be bad."

He looks sorry for me.

"We didn't give you up." He states.

"Yea, yea." I shrug off.  "Dad, the point is, I can't go back."

"What about your friend, Maria?" He asks.

I look at him confused.

"I never told you about Maria." I conclude. "How'd you know her name?"

"Your mom told me." He says with a straight face.

I look at him sketchily.

"Okay, so.." He says, as he's finished his bowl of food.

"Online?" He asks.

Something's up. He was just convincing me to go to school, but now...

"Yes please." I say.

It's short because I'm out of ideas, so stop being so shy and tell them to me

But thanks anyway :)

&quot;Her name is Luchia. 13 years old&quot;Where stories live. Discover now