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He's read it, he just hasn't responded. Is he in shock?

I reply,

If you'd like, I can give you her parents phone number.

Please. You don't know how much help you've been.

I do have to inform you, she knows, but she doesn't want to. She's trying her hardest to,,   forget?

Why's that?

She says, "they abandon me, I abandon them" -which means in her context that she doesn't want to forgive and forget. She's not as much of a fan as she was 14 hours ago.

She won't want to see me?

I'm trying to convince her, and her mother strongly believes in the adoptee (in this case, Luchia) knowing the parents (you and her mother). So she might, but I can guarantee you won't be welcome

I understand.

PLEASE DON'T STOP trying. She needs this. She's been put in so much pain, and I think this will very much help. Her mother, Victoria's number is 555-9876

I won't. I've wanted this for so long. Thank you thank you thank you.

Haha. I hope to meet you sometime.


I set my phone aside and smile. I did it.

I look back down and he sent another thing.

Do you think you could possibly send me a picture of her?

I smile even harder. That's so cute.

[image.2371] (a/n -I didn't want to lose readers because of who I chose, but ideally, to fit the description, I was going to pick Sabrina Carpenter, but I thought some people would stop reading because of that... So choose whomever you'd like.)


And there it stopped.

I instantly texted Mrs.Faith, telling her how her number was given to him, how he would eventually like to meet, and how happy he is.

*** a day later

I dial the number straight from my direct messages.


"Hi, is this.. Victoria Faith?"

"Yes! Is this Jesse Wellens?"

I chuckle. "Yes it is."

"How are you?"

"I'm..... Ecstatic. I can't believe I found Luchia. And with time, I'd like to get to know you and your husband and eventually Luchia. If that's alright with you."

"I would love to meet you! And eventually have you meet Luchia. I've always liked those- parents of the child and child knowing each other, and understanding."

"Well," I pause. "I believe Luchia isn't as happy as I am about this discovering. Am I right?"

"You are correct. But I think with time, she'll come around."

"Her name is Luchia. 13 years old"Where stories live. Discover now