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"Lu, wake up!" I hear a whisper.

"Luchia!" I hear it again and my eyes slowly open to Dad next to my bed.

"What?" I whisper yell, sitting up.

"Time to get up."

"What?? Why?! It's like four in the morning!" I say, jumping back under the covers.

"It's seven, and you have school in an hour." He informs. I push my blanket over me and look at him sharply as he has risen 6 feet higher than crouching.

"What?? School??? What school?"

"Your old school, you're re-attending, c'mon, get up!" He says as his deep voice rises.

"I thought you were bluffing!" I whine, sitting up.

He chuckles and exits, switching the light on. I groan in response.

I get up anyway and look at my closet. What I wear can't be too new. Not any of the Yeezy stuff Jesse got me- that'd blow my cover in two seconds.

"I'll go with this.." I pull out light wash jeans and a baby blue striped shirt.

I slowly put it on, wishing I were still asleep, and not going to school.


"Luchia, are you ready?" Dad calls.

"What!?" I jump up after brushing my hair. "It's been like 20 minutes!"

"You're gonna be late! Let's goooo!" He calls from downstairs.

"Fuck!" I whisper, running to the bathroom to brush my teeth.

I was going to wear sandals, but decided to go with converse at the last second.

I hurry downstairs with my shoes in hand and the backpack I haven't held in weeks on me shoulders.

I see him sitting on the counter.

"Dad! What're you doing! We have to go!" I say trying to get him off.

"No we don't. Not for another 20 minutes." He says nonchalant.

"What?? You just told me we needed to leave or we'd be late!" I say on the verge of attitude.

"Well, you're ready, and have time to spare." He smiles at me. I roll my eyes, plop my book bag on the ground and turn to go back up the stairs to continue getting ready.

"Wait, wait, wait! I did it so you have time to eat. I was told you never ate breakfast and breakfast is the most important meal of the day, so you're staying and eating the breakfast I made all for you.. and for me." He chuckles.

I groan and roll my eyes as he jumps off the counter. "Sit."

I pull a white chair out of the white marble table and sit as he says.

"Bacon, eggs, pancakes!" He says cheerfully, setting a plate of exactly that in front of me.

"Thanks." I mumble, angry at the whole situation. I'm tired, not hungry, and I don't want to go to school.

He sits down in front of me with a half empty Red Bull to finish.

I try to start eating.

"So why didn't you ever eat in the mornin?" He says with an accent.

"I don't know." I shrug.

"Cmon.. maybe you never liked breakfast foods? Maybe you never had enough time?" He says, trying to help me open up.

"Never really had enough time, and got use to it." I reply.

"Well, I'll give you time every day, no need to worry about it." He says, sprawled out in his chair.

I've only eaten a few bites of my pancakes, but still push it a few inches in front of me.

"That's it?" He asks in disbelief.

I just look at him with nothing to say.

"Lu?" He asks.

"Yes, that's all I want." I say.

"Luchia, there's something not right." He stands-towers over me.

I roll my eyes, "Nothing is wrong, I'm just not use to eating in the mornings before school."

I could even tell I wasn't buying it.

"Luuu?" He drags out in a warning tone.

I sigh. "I'm just nervous about going to school! I hate that school more than anything- more than I hated you when we first met- more than-"

"Whoa whoa whoa, what???" He catches me off guard. I gulp.

"Stop being over dramatic, Luchia." He demands. "I know for a fact that you didn't hate me, I knew that you were hurt that I hadn't been there, and now all of a sudden I was. I know how upset that made you."

"Really?" I ask softly. This whole time, I thought he was clueless about it all. But he's actually super accurate.

"Yes really, so apologize this instant."

I struggle to begin it. "Uh..."

"I-I'm sorry." I say ashamed.

He comes in to hug me. I hug back.

"Okay, how about this, you eat one piece of bacon, then we can go." He reasons.

I groan. "Fine."


Thought I'd get something out before nothing goes out :/ sorry it isn't enough or interesting.

My books usually work like this:

I like this guy(usually famous)
I want to try this book out
So I try it
I like it
Until I stop having interest in him.. then the book goes down the drain

And I'm afraid that this is happening to this book :(

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Oct 26, 2016 ⏰

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