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"And you're okay with it?" My mom asks me, sitting across from me and Jesse.

"I am." I said, assuring her that I was okay with Jesse adopting me back.

I know it's not set in stone, but I think it's what Jesse needs, and I think it's what I've wanted for so long and it's at my fingertips.

He looks at me and smiles.

"Now Luchia, you understand that everything I ever told you could go against what he believes and does, and you have to respect that. You have to adapt to his rules, his friends, his home." Mom says.

Jesse butts in. "That doesn't mean if you have concerns, or anything, you can talk to me and we'll see what to do about it."

My mom looks at me again. "Are you sure?"

I mean.. I guess? "Yea." I answer finally.

I don't think this is what my mom wanted. She's seen his videos, and he's a good guy and everything, but I don't think she wanted me to give in so early and easily- but it's not like I was planning to!

Three months later.

We all go to court today.

In the past few months, I've hung out with Jesse, he's on better terms with Jeana, he's bought his new house, I'm not sure about my school, although.

I put on a black shirt, light wash jeans, some tan sandals, and fix my hair straight.

I put on mascara, blush, and lipgloss. I grab my phone as I hear my name being called.

"Lu!" Mom calls.

"Coming!" I call back, hopping down the stairs.

My mom, dad and I get in the car. I really wish I could bring Maria with us, but I don't even think I'm allowed in the courthouse.

I walk in and the first person I see is Jesse. He looks back and smiles at us as we make our way down the small court.

"Hey guys!" He says. "You guys excited?"

I smile at him.

"I think we'll do good." My mom says assuringly.

"No doubt." Jesse cheers.

We sit in our places and the judge comes out. A colored man that was obviously over the age of 40.

"All rise." A police officer says while standing next to the Judge. We all stand.

"Department One of the Superior Court is now in session. Judge Regan presiding. Please be seated." We all sat back down.

**blah blah blah**

We were just about to get started when the judge looked through his small glasses at everyone present. Jesse's Lawyer, my mom, my dad, our lawyer, and me.

He stops at me and looks at the policeman.

"Please take her out of the courtroom." He tells the policeman.

My eyebrows raise and I look at mom. "What?!" I ask.

"I want to stay here and hear what happens!" I protest, but the policeman kept walking towards me.

He put a hand out, as if he were to follow me out of the courtroom and I were to lead. But I stand still.

"Luchia-" Jesse says. I look at him. "Go ahead."

I know I can argue, but boy, if this weren't in a courthouse, in front of a judge, I'd put up a good fight.

I sigh, defeated, and walk out of the courtroom with a police officer behind me.

The doors shut behind us and the policeman points to a bench.

"Sit, Mrs.Wellens." He says. I don't even go by that yet! "We're going to have a little chat and learn a few rules."

I furrow my eyebrows together and sit, now looking at him.

He bends down to my height-SHORTER THAN I THOUGHT! (I mean damn. All my life, I thought I was tall just because I was tallest in my grade! I soon realized, I'm extremely short. Jesse towers over me with his huge 6 foot body!!)

"Listen, you can't do those type of things in a courthouse. If you were older, and talked back, we could've cuffed you and put you in a police station. You can't pull that here-and don't try it anywhere else."

"Listen," I copied, then looked at his badge. "Officer Fern, I don't think you're my father to be giving me rules such as you are."

He stood up and cocked an eyebrow. "Then I guess I'll have to talk to you father about it."

He then walked back in the courtroom, leaving me here in an empty hall.

Lord, please don't let that police officer be telling the truth about tell my dad-either dad, all dads. Please please please.

I beg in my head for him to be scaring me. I don't think Jesse would be too happy about that, and dad, he would ground me for forever.


We can't say anything until the officer comes back in, and it's taking longer than intended. I'm getting really nervous and I don't know if I should've talked just then, telling her to go with the officer.

I think my lawyer thought it was a good visual representation of how to handle Luchia in her stubborn states.

But I just don't know.

The officer finally came back in through the wooden doors.

"What was the issue, Officer?" The Judge asks.

"She got an attitude." He replies simply. Really Luchia?! Today?!

I sigh. "I apologi-we apologize." I correct, pointing a finger back and forth of me and the Faith's.

The judge looks at me and the officer stands back in his spot.

"What do you intend to do about this, Mr.Wellens?" He asks me.

"Uh... I'd talk to her about it, make sure she understands it's not right to disrespect anyone." I state hesitantly.

"Now- Does anyone have any reason to reject Mr.Wellens request of Adoption Of Brith Child-Mr. And Mrs.Faith?"

"I support." Mrs.Faith tells him.

"I approve." Mr.Faith tells him.

"How long has the child been able to see Mr.Wellens?" He asks them.

Victoria speaks up. "Almost 4 months. We trust him and like him."

I smile lightly at the compliment.


She's in there by herself talking to the judge while us adults stand outside.

"How do you think it's going?" Wesley asks in the silence.

"I hope it's going good." I say, biting my fingernails at the amount of stress and panic I'm in.

"Her name is Luchia. 13 years old"Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum