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"Please, Luchia, please be nice and understanding." My mom begs, as we get closer to our destination.

"Mom, I agreed to coming, I didn't have a package deal." I roll my eyes, partially joking.

She looks at me through the rear view mirror with no emotion.

I sigh. "I won't promise anything, but I'll take it into consideration."

Her eyes go back to the road, as we turn into a neighborhood.

"Wait. Mom we aren't going to his house, right!?" I ask quickly, looking at all the expensive homes both left and right of me. I totally didn't see this coming! I thought we'd be at like.. I don't know, somewhere not his house!

"We are. I believe he lives with his friend while he is taking time from his girlfriend." She informs me. Wouldn't this be news to let me know ahead of time!?!!

"Oh jeez," I whisper, pinching the bridge of my nose. I'm so embarrassed! I mean, I look fine, and nothing's wrong with me, I'm just really regretting agreeing to this.

"You'll be fine, honey. I'll be out in the car and I'll come in after you guys had enough time to talk and we'll talk together."

"Mom?" I ask softly.

"Yes?" She answers, keeping her eyes on the road.

"What if I start crying?" I ask. I know, stupid question.

"He knows, and he understands. So if you do, it's all okay."

You see, I have this emotion problem, where I easily become upset- so living my life a foster child was always really hard for me. I could cry at anything.

And I don't want him to see me vulnerable, so I'm already kinda worried.

"Oh." I answer.

Had to always wear waterproof mascara, or none at all, because I could be so happy, but then see a homeless man and start balling my eyes out.

And a lot of times, I cry out of fear, or anger- when I know I can't do anything about whatever is making me mad.

Mom finally pulls beside a house.

I look at the big, white house. Looking incredibly modern.

"This is it." She says, and looks back at me.

"You can do it."

I get out and start walking up to the door.

"Watch it not even be his house." I mumble under my breath as I reach the door by a twisty path, and can no longer see my mom's car behind trees and bushes.

I knock three times and step away from the door.

The door open and I brace myself to see my old idol in front of me, but instead, I see ANDY MILONAKIS!

"Holy shit!" I say. "I must have the wrong house!"

"You're Luchia? Right?" He asks. I can't believe I'm talking to ANDY MILONAKIS! THE WEIRDEST/BEST UNDISCOVERED WHITE RAPPER OUT THERE.

Wait, he knows my name?!

"Ummm.... Yes?" I say, confused.

He slightly turns.

"She's here, Jess." He says looking to his right.

"Wait! You, Andy Milonakis, live with Jesse?" I ask.

"Yes, I do." He smiles.

"Holy shit!" I say.

I raises his eyes at my foul language.

"Her name is Luchia. 13 years old"Where stories live. Discover now