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"How'd it go!? How'd it go!!" Lu shouts, running towards us as we enter the door. She seems as if she's been on panic mode for the past few hours.

"Lucy, it went well." Wes says, hanging up his coat, then pulling mine off to hang it up as well.

"How well?! Well like, 'eh'? Or well like 'Good'?!" She exclaims, walking around me.

"Luchia," I warn.

Her face drops and she stops pacing around.

"You told him." She says, sounding hurt.

"We did." I confess. Wesley walks into the kitchen to get hot chocolate going while she follows me to my bathroom.

"Mom!" She whines, "Why??"

"Because he'll be in touch with us, and he would find out anyway. It's good to be upfront with people, Lu." I say, taking off my earrings.

"Be in touch?? What does that mean?"

"It means you'll be meeting him one day, he might come over, we might go over." I rub my makeup off with a makeup remover cloth. "And soon."

"I'm not going to meet him!" She says, crossing her arms.

"How does Thursday sound?"

"TOMORROW!?" I smile at her. She just looks at me. I go to hug her.

"It'll be fine. He's nice."

"So he's a nice guy that gives up his only child?" She looks at me like I'm crazy.

I smile softly. "He told us why."

"Well, if I'm meeting him tomorrow, I'll ask him myself." She grumbles.

I raise my eyebrows in surprise.

"You agree to go?" I ask quickly.

"I agree to knowing I can't get out of it." And she walks out of my room.


So.... I officially agreed to meeting Jesse, and I'm already regretting it.

I don't want to meet him! I don't want to have to ask him why he gave me up. I don't want to ask who my mother is. I don't want to see Serious Jesse.

That's what he'll be. I only like Funny Jesse. ONLY.

I call Maria.

"Hey!" She cheers at the end of the line.

"Hey." I grumble.

"What's wrong?" She asks.

"Guess who is meeting their biological father tomorrow!" I sarcastically cheer.

"Oh my gosh, Luchia! Congrats!"

"No! No 'congrats'. This is terrible! I'm gonna have to meet the serious side of Jesse and he's gonna do the same with me.

"You don't have a serious side. You have an angry side..." She compromises.

"Well, there you go. He'll meet the angry side of me."

"Will your parents be with you?" She asks.

"Not sure. All I know is I'm meeting him tomorrow- I don't know what time, I don't know what for. All I do know is I'm not happy about it." I grumble.

"We'll talk about it tomorrow. Night."


I hang up and get ready for bed.

As I get in bed, and all my lights are off, I get on my phone. I start watching PrankVPrank. Mostly Team Jeana ones.

If they were still together, would I be in this position? And if I was- would I be not as angry because Jeana would be there?

I shut my phone off and go to sleep.

***next day.

"Guess what! Jesse deleted the tweets about his daughter!"


"So, people think it's because of this one mean guy that told him to handle his own shit and stuff- but there's a group of us out there-"


"Us- the ones who believe he found his daughter, so he doesn't need the tweets out anymore."

I roll my eyes as I hear in the conversation behind me.

And what the worst part is- she and those few others are right.

He found her, he doesn't need the help anymore.

He found me, he doesn't have to keep looking.

This sucks balls, man.

Everyone talks about it, and they've all stupidly, believed me about me not being her, so all I do is listen.

The bell rings.

I hurry to the cafeteria and my lunch table to see Maria already sitting in the usual spot.

"I've got all the information about meeting Jesse." I say, digging into my lunch sack.

"My mom is driving me to this place at 5- I go talk to Jesse on my own, then when we've talked everything out, my mom's suppose to come and talk to us as three about adoption." I look at her with dead eyes and repeat myself;

"A-dop-tion. Adoption, Maria."

"I get it, I get it. But maybe he won't want to talk about it, maybe he won't want to adopt you, and you can stay with your mom and dad." She suggests. I chuckle.

"That's cute, but we're talking about the man who tweeted to find me. He's made it public, I have a feeling-I regret saying this- he's gonna wanna go all the way through with this." I reason. I mean, what I'm saying isn't wrong. I do have a feeling he's gonna go through with it.

"Hell, he's buying a new apartment in New York so he isn't staying with Andy Milonakis anymore! He's making an effort. He wouldn't just give up on his best friend to fall through with this." I express. Luckily, people haven't even got here. We are being kinda loud.

"You should just be nice to him. Hear him out- maybe he has a legitimate reason for putting you through adoption." She shrugs, buying into her sandwich.

"Some real shitty reason, I bet you." I roll my eyes.

hey! Sooooooo, next chapter starts off with driving:))))

I have realized I have a whole 3 people reading so, s/0 to them!- the real MVPs.

And make sure I didn't make any mistakes and comment where I did so I can fix it!:)

Thank you so much.

Oh and I've been watching Sherlock on Netflix (hint hint- next book?), so if I tend to sound British or use words only the English would use, it's because I take in accents and think in British after a while of absorbing their accents.

^that was one really long run-on sentence.

THANK YOU SO MUCH (especially those three)

&quot;Her name is Luchia. 13 years old&quot;Where stories live. Discover now