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I groan, getting up the next day. Today would be so much different.

Everyone now would be talking about Jesse having a long lost daughter and I bet you, some girls will be trying to convince everyone it's them-EVEN if they know and live with their biological parents. No ones gonna suspect me, because A) it's not me and B) no one knows I'm adopted. So I'm in the clear.


It's lunch time. I sit next to Maria and we proceed to talk and eat. Weirdly, everyone's phones go off, sending different types of ring tones into the air. I also check my phone. A tweet from Jesse.

I hear gasps and some girly screams, so I quickly slide the screen and put in my passcode.

I feel like if I send this energy out onto the internet about my daughter I might actually be able to find her.She was adopted. Family inNYC

I gulp a little.

Maria's eyes widen, and she looks at me before whisper-yelling, "Lu! It's you! It has to be you!"

I roll my eyes, "Don't you know how big NYC is?? And again, I don't look anything like him, I don't have brown eyes or black hair, sure I'm tall, but that could be anyone."

"Your parents have your birth certificate, right? It should have you birth parents names on it."

"I'm not sneaking into my dads office to get my birth certificate, Maria."

She groans. "Fine, but if he is your dad, I'm gonna give you a big fat 'I told you so!'"

I chuckle. "Deal."

*** next morning.

I wake up and look around my room. I look at my clock. 4 AM!? Why am I up this early!

And now I can't go to sleep. GREAT.

I groan as I reach for my phone, taking it out of the charger.

My screen blinds me with brightness, and I shut my eyes quickly, then adjust.

I see Instagram notifications and one Twitter notification. Jesse tweeted.

I sigh and slide it open revealing the tweet.

Her name is Luchia. 13 years old

I drop my phone on the ground and pick it up again going over it in my head. I sit up and pace around my room.

"Oh my god, oh my god." I say over and over. This can't be happening!

I fumble my phone around in my hands before calling Maria.

When it goes to voicemail, I call again... And again, and again, then she picks up.

"You motherfucker, what the hell are you doing waking me up at four in the morning on a school morning? This better be good."

"Jesse, Jesse's tweet. Her name is Luchia. And she is thirteen."

"Oh shit.." She mumbles.

"I'm gonna start crying." I shake.

"No! Hey! It's alright. It's not you, remember? You look nothing like him."

"It's me! It has to be me!" I shout quietly.

"You don't know that, Lu. Stay calm."

My head snaps to my door. "I'm going to look at my birth certificate."

"No! Lu, stop! Do not do that!" She says.

"I'll text you." I reply.

"No! Luch-" I hang up, and put my phone on silent as I make my way downstairs, tip toeing around the corner and walking into my fathers dark office.

I look at his cabinet and open it, making the only noise in the house. I cringe at the noise and look around inside.

My father is an organized man, he has everything alphabetized or color coated- which made this 10 times easier.

I shine my phone light inside and I look in the L's and find the only file.

I open it and see legal documents, ones my parents have to have, giving them ownership of me. I flip through the rest until I see it. A nice and clean piece of paper that seems to be more thin than the others. I pull it out little by little, and I start to see my name. My full, real name. I take a deep breath and pull it out further.

Luchia Penelope Wellens
DOB: 1/21/2003
Birth father: Jesse Michael Wellens

I stop there. I start breathing heavily as I feel more and more on the verge of tears. I turn my flash off, take a flash picture, put it back in the file and in the cabinet, and hurry upstairs.

I shut my door and answer one of the many calls Maria's left.

I body slam onto my bed and start softly crying. She hangs up, then proceeds to FaceTime me.

"Lucy..." She says softly.

I send her the picture as I continue to cry.

She becomes paused as she looks at my text.

"Who is-"

"If you're about to say my mothers name, don't. I want to ask him. I want to know from him." I interrupt as she comes back on.

"So you agree to meeting him?"

"Oh, hell no. Just if we met, I'd want to know through him." I explain.

"Lu, I think you should. Tell you parents and ask them to arrange something."

"Oh they know, they have to know. And they know I love watching him and Jeana. They've just been keeping this secret and watch me do something so cluelessly!" I cry.

"Maybe you'll understand why they put you up for adoption if you consult with him."

"Never, no thank you." I sniffle.

"Her name is Luchia. 13 years old"Where stories live. Discover now