Chapter 2

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   Much to Emily's dismay she had quite a lot of classes with Alison. Her cheeks were practically  tattooed a shade of pink the whole day. Emily quickly realized Alison was quite the flirt.

       The school day came to a closing and Emily made her way outside seeing Hanna and Spencer already waiting. Hanna waved Emily over.

       "Hey Emily, Han and I were talking about heading to the brew today?" Spencer suggested, Emily nodded in agreement.
        "Hey guys!" Aria made her way over to the group with a grinning Alison at her side.

        "Oh hey Aria, who's this?" Spencer questioned. Alison smiled.
        "I'm Alison Dilaurentis nice to meet you" Emily stared intently at the taller girls eyes they were a really nice shade of blue she thought. Emily quickly looked at her shoes when Alison met her gaze smirking.

    "Aria we're heading to the brew, Alison want to come?" Alison shifted her weight and smiled at Hanna.
     "Yeah sure I'd kill for a cup of hot chocolate right now." The girls laughed.
     "In this weather? It's kind of warm out." Spencer questioned.
     "I think Hot chocolate is good for any weather my darling." Emily smiled when Alison giggled.

     The five girls walked into the brew. Ordering their drinks. Hanna, Spencer and Emily shared a couch while Aria and Alison sat by themselves on sofas near a little coffee table. (sorry if I explaining this weird the picture should give you an idea of what I'm trying to represent :)
   This was the girls spot whenever they go to the brew. Hanna ordered a vanilla latte, Spencer ordered two espressos, of course, Aria a green tea, and Alison a hot chocolate. Emily smiled and sipped her caramel latte laughing at the face Hanna made when Aria saw Ezra walk through the door.

    "Gross, but anyways I was-" Hanna was interrupted by the door chiming Emily looked up as a group of guys pushed the door open. Caleb and Toby walked in and ordered their drinks before Hanna invited them over to the table.

     Caleb greeted her with a kiss on the cheek and sat on the sofa next to Hanna and Spencer.
Toby Cavanaugh leaned against the wall beside Aria. Emily sort of knew Toby, she knew he was a nice boy he and Emily shared a few classes freshman year. He smiled shyly at the group lifting his hand to wave. Emily smiled at him.

      "Hey T" The boy nodded his head at her taking a bite of his cookie. Alison turned to Emily and raised her eyebrow looking back and forth between Emily and Toby. Emily assumed that was the blondes way of asking if they were together so she shook her head and motioned towards a smiling Spencer. Alison nodded her head in understanding.

    "Here Toby take my seat I'll squeeze onto the couch." Alison winked at Emily obviously moving so Toby could sit by Spencer who was on the end nearest to where Alison was previously sitting.

      Emily liked to think part of why Alison moved was to sit by her but she doubted that was why. The group fell into easy conversation talking and laughing. Emily was enjoying herself. She got up to throw away her now empty cup when her phone buzzed.

      Emily slowly looked down at her phone.
I'm everywhere bitch and I spy a liar. When will you tell your friends? When will you tell Alison?  Maybe I should tell them for you...
  Emily gasped when she saw a picture of herself and her friends obviously taken just minutes ago through a window. She snapped her head up to the window across from then to see someone in a black hoodie running away.

     Emily quickly ran to the restroom. She hid in a stall feeling nauseous. She bent over and put her head in her hands. How could she tell them she couldn't even admit it to herself.

    Emily calmed down left the stall and walked over to the sink cupping her hands under the faucet moving to splash some cold water on her face and drying off when Alison walked in.

     "Hey Em" Emily smiled nervously still drying her hands. Alison put a hand on the shorter girls shoulder. Emily froze making eye contact with the blonde through the mirror

    "Hey You don't look so good are feeling ok?" Emily turned to look at the girl beside her. She quickly shrugged Alisons hand off of her shoulder making her way towards the door.

    Emily turned to smile reassuringly at Alison.
The girl behind her was frowning before she managed to smile back.

     "I'm fine Ali, Promise" she smiled again before the two made their way out of the bathroom and back to their friends.


Sorry I feel like this chapter was really short and cruddy :( but thanks to everyone who's read so far! I saw some nice comments on the last chapter! Please vote and comment it means a lot :)

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