Chapter 7 part 2

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Continuing the flashback

    Emily slipped her phone in her pocket and ran to her house. She unlocked her door and walked in to see her mom reading a book with her feet propped up on a coffee table in the living room. Emily dropped her bag at the door and turned to her mom.

  "Hey Emmy." Emily's mom smiled at her and planted her feet on the ground. She picked up her cup of tea and walked to the kitchen.
          "Hey mom, I was wondering if I could sleep over at Spencer's tonight." Emily's mom put her cup in the sink before she turned around to face her daughter.

      Though Emily texted the SOS the girls decided to meet at Spencer's her parents weren't home and Melissa was out of town for the week.
      "Emily tomorrow's Friday can't you wait until the weekend?" Emily shook her head.
          "We have a project due tomorrow and we haven't finished yet." Emily's mom rolled her eyes.

          "Then Why isn't it done already? Emily you know how important your study's are. You need to work your hardest to get scholarships since we might not have the money to send you." Emily shook her head and began to speak.
         "Emily, you can go to Spencer's tonight but I need you to show me your working your hardest. Your father would say the same thing if he were here right now!" Mrs. Fields called out to Emily as the girl ran up stairs to her room packing a bag. She collected her things before walking downstairs and out of the door.

    Emily weaved through her neighborhood before she made it to Spencer's door out of breath and knocked. Spencer unlocked it and let her in. Emily walked over to a couch and leaned over it to catch her breath before she sat down.
        "Here you go em." Spencer tossed Emily a water bottle.
         "thanks." Emily took a sip and sat up shaking her head. Hanna stared at her with a look of bewilderment she'd never seen the shy natured girl so angry and flustered.

        "So why did you send an-" Hanna began.
    "I got a text from A." Emily clenched her jaw and ran a hand through her hair.
      "I don't know what to think." Aria moved to sit beside the flushed girl and rubbed her back.
      "What did it say Em?" Emily glanced at the girl before rubbing her eyes.
      "God it's not what it said its what was in the video." Emily's lips shook.

      "I'm starting to think Alison did a really bad thing." Emily shut her eyes and the girls leaned over the other side of the couch to watch what was on her phone.
       Aria stayed by her side with her arm wrapped around the girl beside her. Emily pressed play.
      Spencer held a hand to her mouth as a scream pierced the room the sound coming from Emily's phone.

      "Sorry let me start it over." Emily dragged her finger to the beginning of he video and pressed play again. The girls turned heir attention to the video.

     "Noel are you cheating on Bridget, with Bethany young?!" An obviously drunk laughing Alison turned the camera from herself ,to the lip locked Bethany and Noel.

       "Noel how could you cheat on Bridget Wu?" Alison turned the camera back on herself and widened her eyes. The video cut a few times obviously edited A wouldn't give them all the answers.

      Bridget walked out to the balcony and realized what was going on before She ran back inside crying.
    "Drama! Aww Bridget come back! poor girl." Alison turned the phone back to a red faced Bethany young.
"Alison you bitch!" "What did you do!" Grunting was heard and The camera fell, someone screamed.
        "Oh my god! You pushed her!" A shaken Alison picked up the camera and the video cut off.

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