Tropical Storm George

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The day was Wednesday and it was hard to believe that our week with FOB was almost over but I tried not to think about it. I tried to see it in a glass-half-full kind of way; we still had half of the week left with FOB. We had the morning to ourselves. We were all milling around the suite eating breakfast, taking turns in the shower, and enjoying a leisurely morning in general. Alex had gotten control of the remote and decided to see what the weather was going to be. I didn't know why, the L.A. weather had been perfect since we got there. It was hot , of course, it was summer; but it wasn't like the humid FL heat where the air was almost too thick to breathe. Something I heard form the TV brought my attention back to the present. "Alex can you turn it up please?"

"We are currently tracking Tropical Storm George over the Atlantic it has changed direction and is now heading toward Miami. It is expected to escalate to a level 1 hurricane by the time it reaches land. No orders to evacuate have been given yet but residents are being instructed to keep themselves up-to-date in case any changes are made."

I felt a lump form in my throat.

"I'm sure your mom will be fine," said Alex, knowing what I was thinking, "Why don't you call her?"

He handed me the phone and I began dialing. "Maria's Designs. This is Maria, how may I help you?"

"Mom, it's me"

"Ahh hola Mija, how is everything?"

"Good...look ma, have you heard the news about the hurricane?"

"Yes sweetie I just heard it on the radio."

"Well what are you going to do? Are you going to leave? I want you to leave."

"Reina, calm down. They haven't asked people to evacuate yet and you know we can't afford to close the shop unnecessarily. It's still only a tropical storm right now honey and it's only going to be a level 1. That's no big deal, we've been through that before. Look, I promise if things get worse and they ask people to evacuate I will be the first to leave and I'll call you. Ok?"

"Ok," I said defeated.

"Now, enjoy the rest of your day and don't worry about me. Reina...?"


"I love you angel. I miss you and I'll you soon."

"I love you too mama, see you soon."

"So what's she going to do," asked Alex.

"She's not going to leave unless they order an evacuation," I said sadly.

He got up and put his arms around me. "Everything is going to be ok, I know it," he said hugging me.  

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