Furniture Shopping

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I still had about two hours before Pete would return. I alternated doing laundry, exploring the house again sans my tour guide, and dialing my mother's cell phone. I knew it was no use but I just kept thinking that one time I would call and she would pick up. It hadn't happened yet but it had only been a day and I wasn't giving up yet. At 10 'til 2 I got dressed in some of my nice fresh clothes and fixed myself up. I sat in the living room waiting for Pete to return. At 2:15 I turned on the tv to see if there was anything good on at this time; just soap operas. I don't know what time I fell asleep exactly but I awoke some time late to Pete standing over me calling my name. I checked my watch it was 4:00. "Hey Reina, I'm sorry I'm late. Do you still want to go?"

"Yeah, let's go." We rode half of the way in silence before I got Pete to start talking about his day. We reached this one-off furniture store that Pete has used before. I stood back as the storeowner fawned over Pete showing him around and pointing out specific pieces. "So what do you think? Do you see anything you like," Pete asked me.

"It's all good to me," I said. I really did not feel that it was my place to tell him what to buy; it was his house and his money.

"Oh come on what about this one, it's pretty unique right?" He pointed out a set of natural wood bedroom furniture. On the legs of all the furniture, and also on the posts of the California king-size bed, were carved animals; mostly it was snakes creating pretty spirals on the furniture but also birds and monkeys. It reminded me of a safari or the Garden of Eden. It was indeed unique and beautiful.

"It's perfect, I like it," I say trying to convey my enthusiasm.

Pete paid to have the set delivered the same day and we left. "Don't worry about sheets; the bed is the same size as mine I already have that stuff so we can wait to get that stuff later." I nodded. "Are you hungry?"

"No," I said realizing I hadn't eaten all day.

"Do you need anything?"

"No." I knew he was trying to be really nice but I really wanted to just wanted to be by myself.

"Well there's nothing actually in that room and I don't want you to be bored while I'm out of the house. Let's go get a tv to put in there and a dvd player I have a ton of movies."


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