Nobody Puts Baby In The Corner

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I went quickly to the closet. The clothes I had hanging up seemed like a little compared to the rest of the cavernous room but it was better than nothing. I chose a simple black A-line skirt and a lavender and gold sleeveless blouse with some black kitten heels. I wanted to be comfortable, after all it was still an L.A. summer night, but for some reason I felt the need to cover up just a little. I did want Alex's dad to like me. I showered and dressed in a hurry and redid my makeup. I attempted to take my hair but ended up with large curly ponytail . It would have to do. I grabbed my new purse and headed down the hall.

"Come in," said Pete's voice form the other side of the door. I walked in to find him lying on his littered, unmade bed flipping channels. "Hey Ashlee said you guys had a good time shopping. I'm glad. I was kind of hoping you two would get to know each other better. So are you ready for the big interview tomorrow?"

"As ready as I'll ever be and I did have a good time today."

"Good. Are you going somewhere," he asked finally noticing my outfit.

"Yeah actually that's why I came to see you I wanted to borrow the car."

"And here I thought you just missed me," he pouted.

"Oh yeah that too," I teased sticking out my tongue.

"Of course you can and Rey for the 50th time you don't have to ask."

"Well I wasn't sure if you were going back out or which one I could take."

"I'm not going anywhere so you can take whichever. Have you driven the Jag yet?" I shook my head. "Oh you have to take the Jag then, it's fun just don't call me if you get caught speeding okay?"

I giggled. "I doubt that will be necessary. Thanks , I'll see you later."

"Ok have fun."

I made my way out to the cars grinning uncontrollably once coming upon the midnight silver S-Type R Jaguar. I slid inside and got comfy in the buttery tan leather seats. I didn't have much time to revel in it though because I had 20 minutes to get to Alex's house. Fortunately I made it there without incident and was very proud of myself for not getting lost. Alex must have been waiting impatiently for me to get there because he opened the door before I could even knock. "Hey," he said looking extremely gloomy.

"Awww, don't look so glum baby, I'm here now." I smiled and kissed him on the cheek.

"Alex don't be rude, invite your girlfriend inside," boomed a voice from inside the apartment. Alex's frown returned as he took my hand and led me inside. I was a little taken aback by the sight of Alex's dad. I guess from his descriptions I was expecting an older stern-looking professor type but Alex's dad was far from it. He looked...well he looked exactly like Alex. He had the same disarming bright blue eyes and shiny black hair (minus the scene cut). His skin was a bit darker than Alex's like he had one of those professional spray-on tans. He looked younger than he was and very handsome with a chiseled jawline and cheekbones that Alex had inherited himself. The only thing that gave away his age was the salt and pepper stubble gracing his chin. He immediately smiled at me. "Hi, you must be Reina, I'm Alex's dad."

"It's very nice to meet you Mr. Daughtry."

"Please call me Allen. And this is my girlfriend, Baby."

"Like in Dirty Dancing," she clarified, "It's nice to meet you." Baby looked exactly that compared to Alex's dad. She had blond hair and green eyes that were a little too green, I suspected they were contacts, and her large fake breasts threatened to explode silicone at any moment but she seemed nice enough and I was determined to make this evening go smoothly.

"Well let's be on our way, we don't want to be late for our reservations," began Allen.

"Dad we're going to drive separately right? What if you and Baby or Reina and I decide to head some place afterward?" I could tell Alex was trying not to beg that we be allowed to drive separately.

"I guess that's fine." Allen didn't look please about it though. We walked out to the cars and I went to get in. "Alex you can't let your lady friend drive, it's not gentlemanly," boomed Allen's voice. I was surprised at how angry he sounded at something so small.

"Actually...uh...Alex did offer to come pick me up tonight but he always drives so I told him I'd drive myself tonight...sir," I stutter in Alex's defense.

"Very well," Allen said sternly before getting into his car.

Once Alex and I were safely in the car, he let out a breath he might have been holding since I got there. I squeezed his hand. "It's ok. Everything's fine so far babe."

"You've only been with him for 5 minutes. You look really pretty by the way." He smiled.


"What's that look for?"

"You know you look just like him right," I smirked.

"Unfortunately yes."

"Unfortunately? Boy be happy 'cause your dad is fine," I joked.

Alex was not as amused. We rode in silence so I could concentrate on following his dad's car. When we finally pulled in the restaurant parking lot I burst into laughter. "What? What is it?"

"Her name is Baby? Seriously?!"

Alex began to laugh too and started to cheer up as we exited the vehicle handing the keys to the valet.  

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