Big Mouth

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When we got downstairs there was a limo waiting to take us to the restaurant. When we got to the restaurant we were seated quickly in a roped off semi-private section of the restaurant. I was definitely getting used to the perks of hanging out with celebrities.

"So Reina I see you have your cast off," commented Ryan.

"Yeah I got it off two weeks ago just in time, right?"

"Yeah that was perfect. You're back to wearing heels already though?"

"I figured you got get right back in there," I laughed.

"Wait you broke something because of wearing heels and now you're wearing them again," asked Brendon who wasn't really listening to the conversation and seemed to come in on half of it.

"No, run in with the paparazzi."

He nodded. "We don't have a lot of paparazzi action going on. I think one of us needs to pose nude on the internet so we can get more fame," he laughed.

I looked over at Pete feeling guilty for laughing even though he was laughing too. "Or you could move to LA I just don't think their's much paparazzi action going on in Vegas."

"There probably will be this weekend with the party going on," chimed in Spencer.

"I feel sorry for you guys at least I won't have to deal with that."

"I heard you were already dealing with it," said Ryan.

"Oh really? Well what did you hear?"

"That TMZ posted some footage of you and Pete outside Starbuck's talking to the paparazzi. And you answered a question about what it was like to be living with Pete."

"And how did you learn about this footage," I asked amused wondering if Ryan spend too much time lurking the internet.

"Pete told me."

I looked at Pete accusingly.

"I didn't tell you that it had been posted because I didn't want to freak you out unnecessarily," he explained.

"No it's ok I knew that day was going to end up somewhere. I'm just glad I don't have to deal with it all the time like you do."

"You will if you keep hanging out with Wentz," said Ryan, "Hey didn't you have a boyfriend? Where is he? I would think you'd rather be hanging out with him tonight."

"Uh...well...actually we broke up," I said quietly.

"Oh I'm sorry. I going through that too."

"Yeah I know Pete told me."

"Big mouth," he said looking at Pete.

Pete just grinned widely.  

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