The Truth About Ashlee

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I put on my sneakers and ran upstairs to retrieve my purse. We started to head out of the door. "Wait, Ashlee don't you want to come," I asked. I heard what sounded like a low snort escape from Angel.

"No that's ok I think I'll stay here. Thanks though," she called over her shoulder not even turning to look at me.

When I got outside the sun instantly blinded me and the early summer heat shocked my skin. I realized just how long it had been since I'd been outside. Angel handed me her sunglasses. "Make sure to add sunglasses to the list of things to buy," she said. I followed the girls to Angel's Chevy Blazer and began to hop in the back with Lacey as Tessa opened the front door.

"Tessa, let Reina ride in the front," she ordered. Tessa looked startled but said nothing as she switched places with me.

I sat back letting Angel navigate since I had no idea where we were going anyway. "What was with the snort earlier," I asked.

"What snort?"

"When I asked if Ashlee wanted to come."

"We were just wondering why you even bothered," answered Tessa.

"She doesn't really hang out wit us much," added Lacey quietly.

"She doesn't leave Pete's side basically. She only hangs out with us because Pete does. But she smothers the crap out of him. I'm surprised she hasn't tried harder to get you out of there."

"But she's nice, she seems to like me at least a little."

"Trust me hon, she doesn't. But you're still new, you'll learn to not bother trying," Angel said almost optimistically.  

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