In It's Wake

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At 8:00 am I woke up and heard loud whispering. "No she's only been asleep like two hours. Don't wake her up." That was Alex.

"But she has to eat too." Kristin.

"And Sarah said we'd figure things out today. We need to figure out what's going to happen to her." Kyle.

"Don't worry about it. I'll figure something out. But she doesn't need that stress right now." Alex again.

"Well at the very least breakfast with the boys will cheer her up. I know it would make me feel better." Dani who else?

Finally, I sat up and stretched. "It's ok guys I'll go."

"Are you sure," asked Alex doubtfully.

"Yes. I'm not going to get anything accomplished staying in bed. Besides I need to figure out how I'm going to get back to Miami to find my mom," I said trying to remain optimistic. I got up, took a shower and even put on some make up. I took out a bright yellow and white sundress and a pair of white leather and straw wedge heels. My mother taught me from when I was very young that clothes make your mood. Meaning if I dressed bright, cheery, and together maybe I would feel that way too.

By 9:00 we made our way to the lobby to meet Sarah. Alex kept his arm protectively around my waist. We arrived at the Beverly Hilton hotel for brunch. The ride over had been silent. When we got there Patrick, Joe and Andy were already there. We sent hugs all around the large table they had reserved for us. "Where's Pete," asked Dani off-the-bat. I simply did not have enough energy to roll my eyes.

Patrick chuckled. "He's running late but don't worry he'll be here. You'll just have to put up with us until he gets here."

Dani turned beet red. "I mean...I didn't mean..."

"Yeah sure," chided Joe.

"I'm sorry," said Dani ashamed.

"Don't worry about it we were just joking with you."

We sat down and ordered. I wasn't really hungry but Alex ordered food for me anyway insisting that I eat something. Soon after the waitress brought our drinks Pete arrived. He didn't look like his usual cheerful self. "Sorry I'm late," he said to the table before sitting down in the empty seat beside me. "Stupid mother...bastards..." he muttered to himself before picking up his menu. The entire table remained quiet as if scared that talking might set him off.

"Are you ok," I asked in a low voice. He looked at me like he was surprised that we had all noticed that something was wrong.

"Yeah, I'm sorry," he sighed. He looked like he wanted to say something else but instead he returned to his menu. With that the conversation picked up again. I didn't participate, actually I kind of zoned out while we waited for our food.  

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