Visit From An Angel

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I went upstairs to find Angel sitting on the window seat. "You should think about getting a couch in here."

"What are you doing here Angel?" I wasn't exactly thrilled to see her after last night.

"I came to wish you luck on your interview. I know I was acting a little bitchy yesterday so I wanted to apologize and make sure we're cool."

I was surprised, Angel seemed like the kind of girl to whom apologies did not come easily. "Yeah we're good."

"Good. Look I go you something for the big interview. Call it a peace offering."

I hadn't notice the gift bag sitting by her feet until now. It was a black Marc Jacobs Quilted Stam bag. I knew for a fact that this bag was at least $1000. "Angel I can't accept this," I said pushing it toward her reluctantly.

"Nonsense, I didn't get to take you shopping so at least let me give you this. Besides, what am I going to do with it I already have one?"

I smiled at that. I walked over and hugged her. "Thank you so much."

"Don't mention it, to be honest I did it for for me than for you. I couldn't stand to see you carrying that one bag made out of recycled paper."

I laughed. "It's not made of recycled paper."

"Well it's definitely not material found in nature that's for sure. Look I've gotta run hon, I'm very busy. I'm an important person you know," she began gathering her things, "Is that hottie of yours coming over?"

"Did you just call Alex 'hot'?"

"Well it should be obvious I have a thing for guys with dark hair and blue eyes," she said laughing.

"Yeah I think he is."

"Ok well good luck on your interview and you better call me the minute you get out."

"Promise," I said hugging her goodbye.

If I was a good host I would have walked her to the door but it wasn't like she wasn't over here every other day anyway so I didn't bother. I dialed Alex instead. "Hey are you on your way over here," I asked.

"Uh no, sorry I got trapped," He sounded distracted.

"What happened?"

"Hold on." After a few moment I hear what sounded like a door close. "Sorry 'bout that my dad was right there and I couldn't really talk. My dad is making me go to dinner him and his girlfriend. Believe me I tried to get out of it but he's not budging."

"Well ask if I can come with you."

"What? Reina no that's a bad idea."

"Why? I want to meet your dad and if you have to go to this awkward dinner at least we can be uncomfortable together."

He sighed. "Ok, although I don't know why you want to meet my dad, have you not gotten the hint that he's the bad guy?"

"Everyone thinks their parents are the worst that's why I want to judge for myself."

"Fine just remember that you wanted to do this. We'll pick you up in an hour."

"That's ok I'll drive I think I remember how to get your house."

"Ok well call me if you get lost."

"No I'll just keep driving until I reach Mexico," I said sarcastically. He was so overprotective sometimes.

"Don't joke...I did that once." The scared tone in his voice let me know that he was serious which made it even funnier. "Ok I'm hanging up on you 'cause you're laughing at me," he pouted.

"Fine I'll see you in an hour you big baby."  

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