All On Her Own

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I started my new job that Monday and I loved it instantly. I had an office of my own and I would be helping in the design of every piece made by the brand. Designers would bring me sketches for me to critique and edit and pass on to the other consultants and then samples of actual clothing for the same critiques and my final signature of approval before the item could be sent to the factory to be made. I didn't really have a boss except that Russell took me under his wing and showed me the ropes. I was allowed to wear jeans for awhile at least because of my limited wardrobe but that would change soon of course because I got a lot of free merchandise. My office was only a few blocks from Alex's job so we would meet for lunch. I had been on the job for three weeks but today I was leaving early to see off Pete and Ashlee as they left for the tour.

"Ok Russell I'm gone. I did all of my edits for the day but I'll be in early tomorrow to work on anything leftover from today."

"Ok hon, I'll see you tomorrow then. And tell Ashlee I said 'goodbye.'"

"Will do." I rushed back to the house to help load up bags and suitcases, since I was going to drive them to the airport. When I pulled p to the house it was chaos. Pete and Ashlee were scrambling around making sure they hadn't forgotten anything. We loaded up the Range Rover with their bags and headed to the airport. "So is there anything you need to tell me last minute before you go," I asked Peter who was sitting next to me in the front seat.

"Um not really. Everything should be fine just call if there's a fire or something. I mean you have everyone's numbers but you don't have to call me for every little thing. This is your home now Reina, you don't have to ask if Alex or any other friends can come over, I'll be gone so you can use whatever car you want to, if you need or want something just get it. I know you have your own money now but I added you as a user on my credit card and got you your own I left it on my desk; you know just in case."

It would be hard not having him around but maybe being there alone would help me begin to see the place as home. When we pulled up to the airport everyone was already there. I hugged and kissed the boys and Ashlee goodbye. Angel, Tess, and Lacey would stay in LA but go out to visit for a few days soon. "Bye Hemmy I'll miss you," I cooed as I bent down to pet Hemingway and allow him to lick my face, but only this once.

"I think he'll miss you too. He's gotten used to you being around," joked Peter although I knew on some level he was really talking about himself.

"I'll miss you too Peter," I said throwing my arms around his neck, "Thank you for everything and do check in at least once in a while."

"I will," he smiled.

I stood waiting with the girls until the plane took off and I thought I actually saw a tear slide down Angel's cheek. "Look at us all sad watching our men leave us to go off to battle," joked Tessa.

"Speak for yourselves my man is still here and waiting for me," I said checking my watch, "catch you chicks later."

I left quickly heading to Alex's job to pick him up.  

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