Hanging Up

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Later that night Pete and I settled ourselves on the couch with sodas and snacks to watch the one hour show.

"Where's Ashlee," I asked curiously.

"Out with some friends."

"Really?" In all the time I'd been here I'd never known Ashlee to be with friends of her own.

The show was just about to begin when the doorbell rang. Pete ran to answer it hoping he could make it back before the beginning of the show. "Hey look who decided to join us?" Pete returned with the whole gang behind him.

"Hey were you guys going to watch it without us," asked Angel as she plopped down on the couch next to me and climbed under the covers that Pete and I were sharing.

"We were hoping," said Pete under his breath as he climbed back on the couch on the other side of me. Everyone took their seats quickly as the show started.

I was surprised to find out that the first time we were on camera was not at the photoshoot but rather on the bus as the camera closed in on our faces as we introduced ourselves. I felt an instant pang of nostalgia, realizing I hadn't talked to Kyle or Kristin in quite a while and I missed Dani like crazy. They had taped everything from our lunches to the behind-the-scenes of their video. I laughed as it showed the five of us taking turns in the recording booth in the studio with Patrick and Cobra Starship and remembered fondly how Gabe and I had done a duet together. "You guys actually sound kind of good," said Pete amused. It showed footage of me and Pete trying on crazy hats on our shopping excursion and laughing while taking pictures of each other in them. I hadn't even remembered that. Then they cut to all of us back on the bus but Pete and I were in the very back talking animatedly and laughing with each other. It seemed as though we were in our own little world. I didn't remember this part either and was surprised when they showed that I layed my head on his shoulder. My cheeks started to burn and I felt like everyone in the room was staring at us.

"Well you two look cozy," said Angel stating the obvious.

"Shhh," Pete hissed loudly, "I can't hear." I could tell he wasn't happy about what had been portrayed. The rest of the show was pretty tame showing us at the boys secret show and some more funny outtakes of everyone clowning around. I hadn't been prepared for them to show footage of the breakfast that last day when I found out about the storm. Watching myself bawl while everyone around me looked on in concern and helplessness took me right back to that moment, especially after Pete offered his home and I burst into tears in his arms. I couldn't sit here and watch this any longer. I stood up and pushed past Pete despite his protests and went upstairs to my room.

After about a half hour I heard a timid knock at the door. I ignored it but Pete came in anyway. "I could I have been naked," I said annoyed that he just walked in.

"But you're not and I was worried about you."

"I'm fine."

"No you're not. Look I'm sorry that they included that in the show. I didn't think they would. I thought they would have shown some respect but I guess I should have known better."

"It's not your fault Pete."

"Well just yell if you need anything and Angel said to call her when you feel up to it."

"Alright." I lay on my bed wishing that I could call Alex right now. It felt like he was the only person who could make me feel better. As stubborn as I am, I felt like I had to call him so I did.

"Hi," he said sounding none too excited at seeing my name flash on his caller id. Hey at least he picked up the phone.

"Hi, look I know that we're mad at each other right now but I really need you."

"You always need me Reina. I'm not mad at you I just need a break. School is hard I just thought you would understand that."

"I thought you said you didn't want things to change."

"I didn't but when I got here I just realized how much of my life has been consumed by you, doing thing for you, with you, with your friends. It's just nice to have some people that are just my friends for a change.

"They're our friends Alex but I understand. But if you were feelling frustrated then you should have told me. It's not fair to let it build up and then get mad at me for it. I called you because I was already upset and all you're doing is making me feel worse."

He sighed. "I'm sorry. What happened Rey?"

"Forget it. I'm sorry I called just call me when you figure out what you want."

I clicked the connection dead and then dialed Angel.


"Men are asses," I greeted her.

"I hear you honey. What's up?"

"I called Alex because I was upset about the show but he was just acting like a jerk about how he needs a break from me. Anyway, I don't want to even think about him anymore."

"Well at least you know if things don't work out you always have Pete to fall back on."

"Angel what are you talking about?"

"Are you kidding me? I could feel the heat between you coming through the screen."

"Angel, there is nothing going on between Pete and I."

"Yeah right that's what everyone says, just be glad Ashlee wasn't there tonight she wouldn't have been happy."

"Whatever Angel."

"No seriously. I'm honestly surprised she hasn't tried to put you out yet."

"Will you get over it already. Just because you say she's mean isn't going to make her do mean things."

"I'm telling you Rey, she is. Pete is the only thing holding her back."

"What do you mean?"

"...never mind. Look I've gotta go Rey I'll talk to you later okay?"



I sighed as I put the phone down. I just don't know what I'm going to do with that girl.

I heard Hemmy scratching at my door to let him in.

It had taken me awhile to get used to sleeping alone again once Alex went back to school. I think Hemmy knew I was lonely and every night he would come keep me company. He was never allowed on the bed though, but that didn't stop him from trying.

"No Hemingway, you know you're not allowed on the bed," I said firmly as he whined and stood up on it waiting for me to tell him he could come up. Instead he circled around laid down on the floor on my side of the bed. "Good night Hemmy," I said turning off the light.


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