Part 20 - Date for Disaster

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You tried extra hard to look cute, it was your first 'date' with Simon, and though you felt totally unprepared, you couldn't blame yourself, you didn't think of "must pack date with Simon Minter" outfits when you were heading for this trip. So you did your best with what you had in your suitcase - a skirt and singlet, had your hair down flowing by your face and a pair of sunglasses across your eyes. You'd gotten dressed and headed down to the lobby where you yelled at Simon though the bathroom door is where you'd meet him; there was free wifi and you desperately wanted to message Y/BF/N and let her know you were safe and happy... happy would be an understatement though, you couldn't stop smiling every time you thought about that silly tall boy up in that room. 

You were midway through filling you Y/BF/N in on the last 24 hours when "wow, you look great" from a familiar voice came from behind you, you turned to see Simon in a grey t-shirt and black skinny jeans.
"right back at you... I can't believe you aren't in tracksuit pants, don't you look smart" you said, looking him up and down, the sight of him in something other than sweats and a sidemen top making you smile
"Tried my best" he said, while looking off to the side awkwardly and grabbing his right arm just above the elbow with his left hand, hearing the worry in his voice. You wrapped your arms around his waist and looked up at him "you really do look great" you said as he reacted by smiling down at you and placing a kiss on your head.
"Alright, let's get out of here before we don't manage to leave the hotel again" he laughed, grabbing your hand and leading you out of the door

"So where are we going?" you asked him as you exited the front door
"Well, to be honest, I have no idea, but I know one place Vik has told me about and one other thing - so if we start there I figure we'll find stuff" he replied and you both giggled.
He waved down a taxi and suddenly San Fran was speeding past you - hills and greenery and trees and ocean until the cab halted and you both got out.
"Stop 1 - Golden Gate Bridge lookout, as suggested by Vik" Simon said, arms stretched out facing it and turning around to wink at you, you could see how proud he was of himself and you couldn't help but smile
"It's very cool, remind me to thank Vik personally if I ever meet him" you teased back
"Hey! It may have been Vik's idea, but I put it into action" he said, pulling you closer to him as you pulled out your phone and snapped an awkward photo of you both in motion
"Let's get a nice one" he said - setting the camera down on timer and positioning it so that the bridge was in the background while he had one arm wrapped around you with his hand enclosed just above your hip. You were surprised, you'd thought surely that he'd be sick of cameras and photos, but the fact he wanted to take a photo with you made you feel somehow warm.

Once back in the taxi you looked across at the skinny ashen haired boy and wished desperately for this cab ride to never end,  for you time to pause at this moment, so you could forever be happy sitting next to Simon - hands placed on top of one another - just another boy and girl in the back of a cab.
"Are you okay?" his voice suddenly rang out as your eyes refocussed and you snapped back into reality
"Oh, yes, sorry, I was day dreaming" you blushed, realising you'd been staring at him for god knows how long
"I could tell - were they sexy day dreams?" he said, raising and eyebrow and making you laugh
"Pffft, you wish" you said, turning away and looking out the window

The cab stopped once again, this time at Fisherman's Warf; you'd seen it before and heard it was a good place to eat from the hotel staff, so you weren't as readily excited.
"This isn't it yet" Simon said as he opened your door for you, obviously picking up your slightly lessened excitement from the first stop
He took your hand and walked you midway down the pier, turned to the left and suddenly you were faced with something you hadn't been expecting - hundreds of seals - barking, sunbathing, pier dwelling seals. It wasn't something you had ever seen before and they were giant and adorable and you must have looked like a little kid at the zoo, gawking at them from where you were, but when you turned to Simon he couldn't have looked more excited either.
"See, I pick the best things, not Vik" he said, poking you in the side
"Alright, I concede, they are awesome... but trust you to bring us to some giant lazy seals, that's basically your spirit animal" you poked him back as he laughed
"No no no, hollldd up - seals eat fish, I could never he a seal" he said, scrunching up his face and looking disgusted, causing the both of you to break out in laughter.
"I want to get a good photo for Y/BF/N, I'll just jump over there" you said, pointing to a small gap in the crowd that you could jump into without blocking anyone's views.

You started to walk back to Simon "omg, checkout this photo of this seal yawning" you said
But as soon as you looked up from your phone to the scene in front of you, you slightly cut yourself off mid sentence, Simon was standing there with 3 gorgeous girls around him, all fussing and taking photos with him. Fans were a part of his job, you knew that, I mean, you are one - but you didn't know how to act, should you talk to him? Should you just wait? You knew how ruthless fangirls can be and you certainly didn't want to be involved in any drama or included anywhere, so you just stood patiently pretending to look at the seals while peaking out the side of your eye at what he was doing until they left and he walked over to you.
"I could go some food" he mentioned, but his obvious sudden lack of body contact with you and distance between you was all you could really focus on, so you just nodded in response.

"Fisherman's Warf" he said, halfway up the pier "I get the feeling I'm probably not going to find too many non-fish options here" he said, pointing to a Bubba Gump's Shrimp and then a sign saying "crab meat" on it next door
"You're probably right" you said, trying to push earlier aside
"We can go somewhere else - I'm sure their are places to eat away from the pier" you continued
"Y.." Simon was cut off by squeals coming from across the distance
"SIMONNN! SIMONNN! CAN WE HAVE A PICTURE! We saw on Twitter that people said you were down here, but we almost didn't believe it! Are the others here?!" two girls and a boy shouted, coming to a dead halt from a run in front of you, forming a wall between you and Simon
"Yeah, of course you can get a picture. And no, just me out at the moment" he said, smiling at them and making it seem like the other Sidemen were simply back at the hotel, not that he was here solo. You moved back to let them have their space, feeling like an awkward potato.
"Excused me, could you take it" the girl said, handing you her phone without waiting for a response
"Oh, sure" you responded, lining them up in the frame, Simon's arms over the girls shoulders and the boy kneeling in front
"All done" you smiled, but as the girl went to grab her phone off you she managed to spill her full can of coke straight down the front of your white top, causing you to jump back and be left with a brown puddle running down your front.
"Are you okay?" Simon said, instantly rushing to get serviettes from a nearby food place
"Yeah, I'm good, just sticky and looking gross" you said, taking the serviettes and doing your best to blot off the wetness in any way possible, while Simon fussed over you and tried to help as much he could.
"Wait...are you a thing?" one of the girls said loudly, the three fans looking directly at you and Simon huddled close together, him fussing over you and you realised what they must be seeing
"No, he's just a random nice guy I guess" you tried to play it off, pretending he was just some cute boy on a pier
"Mmmm" he agreed, turning his body back towards them. Silence between the five of you as they just stared and Simon didn't know what else to say.
"I'm going to go and get this cleaned up at home. Thank you for the quick thinking with the serviettes" you said, smiling at Simon as if you didn't know him
"Let me at least get a cab for you, I mean, the drink is on your shirt because you had to take my photo" he said, finding his own reason to leave these fans behind
"Oh, sure" you responded, hoping that your non-existent acting skills were on point 

At the end of the pier, you looked behind you, but caught no further sight of the fans.
"Okay, I need to change" you said, the stickiness down your chest become too much to deal with
"Yeah, but at least you smell coke" Simon replied, trying to make light of the situation as you rolled your eyes at him
And you got back into a cab together, sending you back drifting into moments of happiness.

Little did either of you know that silent camera clicks were occurring behind you, and photos of you and Simon getting into/ being in that cab together were about to be everywhere.
And soon you would regret ever getting in that cab, or being in San Francisco to begin with....


A/N: I'm back at uni now and in my final semester, so apologies for the likely delay between parts for a while. 
But yeah, I'll try my best to update whenever I have free time!
Happy reading,
Bunny xx

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