Chapter Seventeen// Bad Feeling...

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"People die in this town. All the time and we act like nothing happened."

--Brooke Maddox


My leg hurt more than usual this morning. Some people on the internet said that if you get a pain in an old scar that it means that your mind is trying to tell you something. That something bad is going to happen. Others on the internet said that it meant you were Harry Potter... And, I seriously doubted that. Noah honked outside, signaling that he was here. I opened the front door, and saw him and waved.

"Arielle, I'm going to kill you!" Katherine stormed down the stairs, and into the foyer. "Gotta go, love you, Mom!" I shouted over my shoulder, trying to shut the door. "Oh, no you don't!" Katherine yanked my arm back into the house, closing the door. "Ow, ow, ow!" I cried out. "Oh, shut up! If you think that you're in the clear, you're not! I know what you did."

I pulled my arm back, and put a finger to my chin. "Oh, maybe we could talk about this another time, like when Noah's not outside waiting for me..?" I rolled my eyes. "No, we're gonna talk now, or else I'm telling Mom!"

"Kat! I'm really sorry about the car--"

"The car? Whoa, whoa, what do you mean?" Katherine put her hands up in front of my face. "Uh... what are you talking about?" I questioned slowly. "Someone sent me this." Katherine grabbed her phone out of her back pocket, and unlocked it. I waited for her to hurry it along. "This." She said again, pushing her phone into my face. It was of me. I was leaning into the window, with a nervous look. I looked closer. Behind me, you could see Emma's hair. Oh, shit. Someone had taken a picture of us--me at Audrey's house the other day. When we'd broken in. "Who sent you this?" I asked, grabbing her phone. "Hey! Gimme that!" Katherine grabbed her phone back, and turned it off, placing it back into her pocket. "You lied to Mom! And to the police!" Kat pointed at me. "Can you say that a little louder, I don't think Mexico heard you!" I hissed. "You lied, Arielle! You could go to jail!"

"How do you even know about this?"

"Mom told me about your little visit to the police station, and how you came out clean after all, like she just knew you would!" Kat raised her eyebrows at me. "Who sent you this?" I asked again. "I--I don't know, Arielle. But that's besides the point."

"I gotta go, Kat. We can talk about this later. Do not say anything to Mom." I pointed at her, and opened the door again, and rushed out.

"Arielle, we're not done!" Katherine shouted at me, as I jumped into Noah's weird car, that was shaped like a box.

"What was that all about?" He asked me, pulling on the console. I turned to him in my seat, and plopped my backpack at my feet. "Someone--and you know what I mean when I say that--sent her a picture of us at Audrey's the other day." I said. "Are you serious? I need her phone. I can try to trace it--"

"Oh, yeah, no biggie, I'll just take my sister's phone." I shrugged, sarcastically. "The phone that she's on every minute of every day..." I trailed off. Noah glared over at me, and then pressed on the gas, making me fall back in my seat. I glowered at him, and buckled my seat belt. "Arielle, do you not want to know who is calling you?" Noah scoffed. "Actually, no, I don't." I laughed. "This is serious, Ari. You can act tough all you want, but I know that you're just as scared as everyone else in this town."

"Uhm, who said I was acting tough? If anything I'm more afraid of this guy than anyone in this town. He cut me, and killed Riley, like, ten feet away from me!" I told him. "So, you're too scared to find out who he is?" Noah asked. "Yeah, let's go with that." I said. I rolled my eyes at him, before doing a double take. "Uh.. Noah?"

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