Once upon a winters day,I was happily hidden

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This is my first story so feedback would be greatly apperciated :) By the way,this story is copyright all rights reserved.

All Rights Reserved. All my stories, including chapter, prologues, epilogues and associated contents is copyrighted under Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988. All rights are reserved by the owner and creator of these works. Any unauthorised copying, manipulation, distribution, or selling of these works constitutes as an infringement of copyright and is punishable by law. 


It started like every other day, with the same secrets and rules. Stay hidden, survive, and don't what every you do say his name. 

I always was too stubborn for my own good but that day i really did over step the boundary. I was aggressively shoving my way through the crowded hallway of  Greenland High, with my best friend/body guard; Sunny, in tow.

"Isis! Seriously, I think we should go. Somethings off. The humans'... there behavior patterns are different and I'm sure I smell traces of blood!" she hissed in my ear, while casting anxious looks around. I waved her off. She was always one to overreact, and besides I was sick of continuously moving around, i just wanted for once to have a place to call home. 

"Calm down, I'm sure it's only because it's the last day of term before the Christmas holidays. You know how they all get so hypered up for this " I reassured her. Spotting my dented locker, I speed-ed up, only to be yanked back into a dark deserted classroom.

"Ouch!!" I complained. The disgusting mustered coloured door slamming silently shut. The death-grip on my arm was released, as i was spun round to face the the extremely pissed off looking Sunny. Her usual flirty smile, had turned into a moody jaw-clench and her eyes narrowed into anger slits, that funny enough reminded me of cat eyes.  Oh no, not good.

"Listen Isis, I am your body guard it is my duty on the honor of my pack and life to protect you, please don't make this difficult for me...." As she began on her usual rant of duty, and responsibility. I  actually had it memorised, which now i think about it probably wasn't a good think, i needed that space for more important things, like: strategies for winning poker, or making new food concoctions or learning to keep myself from being eaten alive by It-girls. Which considering my curent life situation shouldn't seem that important but i'm telling you those girls are viscious! 

Trying to appear as if her words truly struck a cord, I mapped out what lessons i had to drag my sorry ass too that day. Science, Maths.. or was it drama? That be way better, I'll get to see Melon head attempt to educate a herd of stuck up-.. At that moment, Sunny cottoned onto my facade, and promptly clapped her beautiful manicured hands loudly in my face.

"Huh? Oh, erm. I totally erm ... SNOW BALL!" I shouted to distract her. I raced to the door, just as the late bell shrieked for first lesson. 

Magic in the name ... IsisDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora