Jack and Sally JG

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Your POV
"Please Johnnie?", I whine at my boyfriend of two years (and room mate of one), pouting. I was staring at two kittens in Pet Smart. One was a boy and one was a girl. The boy was black and light grey while the girl was white, light grey, and black. "I don't know." "But it says they're good with dogs and look at them please?!" Lola, our pug puppy, tilted her head at the two kittens.

She barks and wags her tail. The two kittens meow quitely. "See Johnnie they like each other and they're named after the nightmare before Christmas characters please!?" He sighs, "fine." "Yay!", I giggle. Lola barks and wags her tail again.

"Hold Lola I'll go get an employee." I grab the dog happily from his arms. "You see your new brother and sister ?" She barks in response. I smile. Johnnie and a older woman walk over to me she unlocks the door which leads to the opening of the cage- things and we follow her.

She opens the cage the two were in and puts them in one of cat carriers. "You know these two got here about a month ago. They were so tiny," the woman laughs. I smile. "Awe I wish I could've seen them then."

We pay for them, cat food, dishes, a litter box, cat litter and the carrier before leaving. I put them and Lola in the back seat before sliding into the drivers seat. I turn to look at Johnnie. "You know I love you right?" He smiles," Love you too." We drive home the two of singing along to the radio.

I hold his hand with my right and drive with my left. He kept turning around to look at the animals in the back seat. And he 'wasn't sure' about getting the kittens. I smile.

Time skip -1 am-

I look beside me to see Johnnie's gone. I get up to see where he disappeared to as he's usually just getting tired at this time. I walk to the living room to see him on the couch with jack and Sally asleep on his lap with Lola on the arm of the couch beside him. "Awe." He turns to look at me. "Hi." I walk over and sit beside him. I gently grab Jack from his lap , carefully so I won't wake him, and put him on my lap. "I thought you were asleep (y/n)." "Well small raccoon I woke up." He rolls his eyes at the nickname i gave him a year ago.

You see he fell asleep with eyeliner on looked like a raccoon when he woke up. He yawns. "Tired?" He nods, "I don't want to wake her." I gently put Jack on the couch before carefully taking Sally. I put her on the couch beside Jack. Johnnie yawns again and stands up. I grab Lola and walk to our room. I lay down beside Johnnie and Lola curls up beside me. Perfect.

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