Jerk! JG

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Sorry for making the amazing Jordan Sweeto an **shole  in this. :/

You're POV
  "Great job," I say after turning of the camera. Johnnie and I had just finished filming a cover. "Thanks you too." "Okay so for your channel," I was cut off by my boyfriend, Jordan.

  "Hey (y/n) can I talk to you?" "Yeah Babes. I'll be back in a minute Johnnie." I stand up and follow Jordan out of my room and close the door.

  "I can't believe you!" What? "What are you talking about?" "I fly to La to see you and you spend all your Time with the other guys." "Look I'm sorry I forgot I promised to film with Johnnie today." "Like you forgot you were supposed to film with Bryan and Robby yesterday?"

  "YOU WERE IN THAT VIDEO TOO!" "Whatever." "Why are you being like this?" "Oh what am I being like? Huh? Maybe we should just break up." "We should and here's your f***ing promise ring." I throw the ring at him. He grabs his bag and storms out. "JERK!"

  I storm back in my room and sit down on my bed. I then break down. Johnnie hugs me, "shhhh (Y/n) it's okay." "W-w-we." "I know." After about twenty minutes of crying I stand up. I start walking to the door. "Where are you going?" "The bathroom to fix my makeup we have a video to film!" He laughs as I walk out the room.

3 years later

Johnnie and I ended up together. We're actually engaged. I'm writing addresses on the invitations for our wedding. With his help because it wouldn't get done without it. I stop when I get to Jordan. I sigh and put my pen down. You see Johnnie and him are still friends.

But, I haven't talked to him since we broke up. "You okay?" I look over at Johnnie and shake my head. "We don't have to invite him." "But he's your friend." "It's your call." I write Jordan's address. This is Johnnie's special day too. Not just mine.

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