This isn't happening-KDH (Trigger Warning)

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TRIGGER WARNINGS: Attempted Suicide, Anxiety,Mental hospitals, Swearing, Suicide letters, mentions of self harm, maybe some other minor stuff. You have been warned, read at your own risk -Suzy

Kyle's POV

   I stare at my desk, unable to come up with video ideas. This apartment has felt so empty for the past six months. Since (Y/n) got put in the mental hospital. I miss having her around, cuddling up to her at night, the way she smiles, everything. My phine rings, thankfully cutting off my thoughts. Expecting Jeydon or Johnnie, I answer. I told them I'd come over since Jeydon got here yesterday, and it's already 4pm. But the caller wasn't Jey, it was the hospital.

    "Is this Mr. Hall?" "This is he." "We are calling to inform you that  you're fiancee, Miss. (Y/n) Wale, is in the hospital." "What? What happened?" "She attempted suicide sir, she should make a full recovery." "Can I come see her?" "Yes sir." "Thank you." I hang up and grab my penny board. This isn't happening.  After about seven minutes I'm at the hospital. I jog up to the front desk,"(Y/n) Wale please." "Room 485." "Thank you." Before I know it I'm in a room that holds my beautiful fiancee, a sobbing Jeydon, a doctor from this hospital, a doctor from the mental hospital, and about seven different machines. I walk over to Jeydon, hugging him, we stand there for about five minutes, just hugging and crying. I then I look at the doctor from the mental hospital,"You said she was f*cking getting better. You said she'd be out in a f*cking month.You said she stopped showing the f*cking signs. If that's true then  what the f*ck is this?" "Sit down sir, please, I'll explain." I nod, sitting beside Jeydon who you can tell blames himself. 

    "When (Y/n) came to the hospital she had extreme anxiety, she heard voices, she was insanely suicidal, we could tell why she was there. By her second month with us you could tell she was getting worse. She'd see the two of you. She'd swear up and down that you were there, screaming and swearing that you two shouldn't be there. That you weren't as bad as her, that you were better. Then by her fourth month she   was getting better. She stopped showing the signs. Her anxiety was almost gone, she was smiling, she agreed to start talking to the therapist,she'd talk about her plans for the future, she was socailizing, she had a complete one eighty fromm when she first joined us. Then last week she started being distant again after Aria, another girl there joined. She was always, writing, but we thouht she was drawing. She had been hoarding her pills, which we thought she was taking. Then yesterday we went to get her for therapy we found her like this," he grabs two peices of paper from his pocket, one had my name on it one had Jey's. He hands the papers," She had these neatly on her desk." 

   I unfold mine. It's long, and the writing is tiny, but I don't care, I start reading. 


Hey muffin, if you're reading this I'm most likely dead. Maybe some one saved me, who knows. I guess you know. Know this isn't your fault, make sure Jeydon know it wasn't his fault either. I love you, so much, I hope you know that.  I was getting better, I really was until she came along. Then I got treated like I was in highschool, fun f*cking times. I hope you get over me and that you're happy one day. I hope one day you find an amazing girl and have kids.  I hope your wedding is as amazing as we were planning for ours to be. I wanted us to have a happily ever after one day. Two little kids with all the happiness in the world, ones who wouldn't have the high school life we did. If we had to girls their names would've been Shannon Quinn and Alexandra Gwen. If we had two boys there names would've been Jacob Jeydon and Johnnie Jordan. If  we had one of each probably Alexandra Shannon and Jeydon Jordan.

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