Preference 5

801 9 1

You're/they're cold


"Yeah I get that but why did you call me? I don't understand why you called me. How did you know this number was still mine?""You're the most mom-like out of all of us so I just thought you would know what to do." "Oh sorry Kyle. But just because I act like a mom that doesn't mean I know how to be a parent. Johnnie what the heck are you doing?" Johnnie fell on top of me. "(Y/n), I'm cold.  And  I don't feel good." I kissed his forehead, it was hot,"You're sick, Johnnie." "Then I'm gonna cuddle you." "Go for it." "Yay!" "But Back to what I was saying, I've never been a parent unless you count the MDE tour where Jeydon and I were basically everyone's Parents." "Well this doesn't help me much. What do I do?" "You love that child and the mother. That's what you do. Bye Kyle." "Thanks (Y/n)!"  "Any time Kyle. But I mean, I don't want anymore calls about you getting girls preggo outside of wedlock." "Bye." "Bye."

  I hang up and turn to look at Johnnie, who had stopped shivering,"You want to go to bed?" He shook his head no. "Okay. I'm gonna watch Criminal Minds, tell me when you're ready to bed, sweetness." He nods. After about an hour I look over and Johnnie was asleep. "I swear Johnnie," I whisper. I stand up holding him-Since he's tiny and I can easily lift him- and carry him to bed. Pulling back the blankets, lay down still holding him. He cuddles closer to me as he feels the coldness of the sheets. "I swear, if you weren't so sweet."


I walk up stairs and lay down beside Jeydon, who had said he was going to bed ten minutes ago and was on his phone.  "Tired, cold, or don't feel good?" "I'm cold," I whine, dragging out the o in cold before cuddling into his side. "You seem tired too. Come here, let me cuddle you."  I giggle and scoot closer to him. He wraps his arms around my waist and buries his face in my neck,"You're cute when you're tired baby." "I'm not tired. You're tired. I'm just cold." "Yeah,keep telling yourself that baby." I giggle and tangle my legs with his.  "You're so warm, JeyBear. How are you so warm.I'm always cold." "You could say that again. You're like a f***ing ice cube." "I love you." "I love you too," he mumbles against my neck. I shiver slightly and he pulls me closer. "I love you more." "I love you most,"He whispers, still against my neck. causing me to shiver yet again. He pulls me as close as he can,"I only have so much body heat ,(Y/n). How cold are you?"

I laugh as I shutter  again,"Jeydon the shutters are because you're talking against my neck. But I shall stay this close to you as I like being this close to you." He laughs,"Sorry I forgot about your thing over having your neck touched." "How you kiss my neck or talk against my neck ever day just to bother me." He chuckles,"Yeah. I just likes to cuddle you and it's not my fault you talk while I'm cuddled up to you like this."  "You're  lucky lucky that you're a cutie, Wale." I feel him smile against my neck. Aweeeee. God I love him.


I was lounging on the couch , watching Criminal Minds when, "TEDDYBEAR!" I jump up and run to see what's wrong. "Yes Babydoll? What's wrong? Who hurt you? What do you need?" "Cuddle? I'm cold." I lay down beside her and pull her super close, burying my face in her neck,  "You scared me. I thought there was something wrong Baby." "I'm sorry. I wished for a cuddle." She giggles,"Whatever. You love me right?" "Of course I do.  Why?" "I want you to say you love meeee." "I love you, Shan." "I love you too." "I love you more." "I love you most." "Impossible, beautiful." 

"Very possible, and don't lie to me." "I didn't." "Yeah you did." "Stop lying to yourself Shannon. You are the most beautiful person I've ever met." "I'm sorry?" "I love you." "Love you too." 


Something lays on top of my back. "Yes?" "I'm cold, (Y/n)." "I would turn over and cuddle you, Alex, but there's something on top of me." She rolls off of my back and lays down beside me. I turn to face her and wrap my arms around her. She buries her face in my chest and I bury face in her hair.  "Sleepy?" "No. I'm just cold. And you're warm. " "I have a question." "Shoot." "Can I ask you something? It's kinda important." "Sure." She let go of me.  I stood up and walked to the dresser. I grab her favorite of my hoodies and throw it to her. "Yay!"

 I grab a little box and turn to her, "So I've had this question for a while and I've been waiting for a time to ask it. And well you cuddling up to me like that it suddenly hit me that now was the time.Because it finally fully hit me, I want to be like that when we're old and grey," I got down on one knee,"  Alex Dorame, I know this isn't the most romantic place, or way to ask this but, will you marry me?" She nods crying,"I'm really glad I was cold now." (I WANTED TO WRITE ONE OKAY?!)


"I'm cold! (Y/n)? Will you come upstairs and cuddle me? I wish for your warmth!", Kyle yells from upstairs. "Coming!"  I run upstairs and fall on the bed beside him. He wraps him arms around my waist and pulls me super close to him. "Beautiful? Why am I always cold?" "Because I'm always hot and we need to balance that out with cuddles?" I wrap my arms round him and tangle our legs, with my head on his chest. "That you are, beautiful." I gently hit his chest, "Shut up." He snuggles his face in my hair." "What's with you and burring your face in my hair?" "Your hair smells good. All the flipping time." I giggle, "Well you smell good all the time but you don't see me always burring my face in your chest stealing your warmth and smelling you, yet it's your favorite thing to do." 

  "Shut up, (Y/n)!" he laughs. "Shhhhhh. Go to sleep. Right now. Sleep." "Why?" "Because you're giving me a Kygraine." "A what?" "A Kyle caused migraine." "You're so mean to me." "I love you." "I love you too." 


"I'M COLD! COME CUDDLE ME OR I'M TAKING ALL THE YOSHIS AS HOSTAGES!" "WHY?" "BECAUSE IF YOU DON'T COME CUDDLE ME, I'LL CUDDLE THE YOSHIS." "I'M COMING!"  I giggle as he runs upstairs and falls onto the bed beside me. "Hey nerd." "Hi!"  I smile and cuddle up to him.  "Hey. I'm so warm now. You're so warm. How in the world. You're magic, or a fire, and either way I'm fine with it because warmth. "You're so needy (N/n)." I giggle,"I know. You told me. But you love me. So you deal with my neediness." He laughs," You got that right. But really though, I love you." I giggle,"I love you too." "I love you more." "I love you most." "Impossible. No one can love anyone more than I love you." 

 "You're the sweetest. But you're also the cheesiest person I've ever met."" "Shut up." "I would throw a Yoshi but they're all the way over there in the stuffed animal pile." He buries his face in my hair,"Night." "Night."

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