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"see you on monday, yoongs!" yoongi grunted as a response and turned his back to his co-worker, jung hoseok, and started walking home.

it's not that they don't get along. hoseok might even be the only one who he can talk to properly, but it's just that the guy is too cheerful and positive, complete opposite of min yoongi.

min yoongi is always grumpy, doesn't smile, oozing with negativity, and lifeless af. it's like he was just forced to exist in this world. well, maybe he is.

he trudged his way towards the bus stop and as soon as a bus came, he hopped in and sat at the farthest part of the vehicle and popping in his earphones to block out the world around him.

after several stops, he got off of the bus and crossed the road, where his condo building is. he greeted the guard, concierge, and everyone who walked passed him with a glare and a grunt, which isn't new to them. it's the only way he communicates, that's what they think.

he pushed the up button of the last elevator and waited. few minutes after, it opened and he stepped in, relieved that he's alone in the elevator.

the doors are about to close when a foot prevented it from doing so, and a guy with black hair stepped in and stood beside yoongi.

he greeted yoongi with a smile and a wave.

"annyeong, yoongi-hyung!"

yoongi rolled his eyes at the younger and looked away. 'of all the people here in the condo, why this annoying shit', he thought.

he remembered that time when the black haired guy just moved in at the unit beside his and knocked on his door, introducing himself and handing him a pumpkin pie. his stomach grumbled at the sight of food but then he got woken up from his precious sleep so he slammed the door at his face and went back to sleep.

there's still that time when he brought over a weird friend of his whose hair that time was color red last christmas and they knocked on his door and sang christmas songs loudly, even the music from his speakers can't block the noise out.

and then now they're together in the elevator.


the black haired guy pushed the floor number 7 even though yoongi already pressed it and he can't help but sneer.

'what a pabo', he thought.

all of a sudden, they both heard a loud ear shattering sound alike of metals sliding against each other before the elevator suddenly shook hard that made the two guys fall down and the elevator came into a complete stop and the lights went off.

yoongi, even though it's pitch dark, looked around. just then, it dawned into him.

he's stuck in the elevator.

with his annoying neighbor,

park jimin.


another story i know i know xD im bored ok don't judge me

read my bts chatroom, it's in my profile xD

xoxo nikki

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