Prologue /chapter 1

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(I'm rubbish at prologues so you don't really have to read )

I was staring at the neon glowing stars on my celling lost in my own world of thought but it was the thought of nothing . You know when you're thinking but about nothing but yet you're still lying there . You're mind is a complete blank canvas yet you're still lost in thought . There was silence .

Silence , it was the one thing in the world that unfortunately never seemed to happen . The constant chatter of people annoyed me . The way they could just talk for hours and never get sick of there own voices or the fact that they were ranting about the same thing for ages .

The thing is people annoy me in general . The way how everyone is different which means that everyone annoys me in a different way .

As you have probably guessed  by now I don't have a very positive outlook on life cause I have no reason to , as I have no one that's gunna care about my outlook on things .

Yes I'm Dan ,the kid who doesn't give a care  about what you say or what you think , who you like or what you've done ,the anti-social kid at the back of the class that seemingly knows a lot but never shares it . I liked that being how people would describe me because if you said that to a overly enthusiastic new kid then they won't try to associate with you , i liked it like that .

I was the cliché nerd boy that seems all mysterious and has got this giant secret and one day will find some amazing person that will find out about it . Part of the story was true I had a giant secret and no one knows anything about me so I guess mysterious is a word for it ,just not the type of mysterious where I'm gunna turn into a werewolf or something but the part of the story that will never be true is that I'm never gunna find some amazing person to share all my secrets with .

When I was 15 my mum was hit by a car a week later my brother left me a few mouths after that my dad was killed in a car accident .No that didn't turn me into the emotionless wreck I am today . I was never upset about my parents death because I had no emotion towards them I didn't care . I know I sound like a heart less person but he truth is I am .

Now I'm going back to hell for one last time round the carousel it's my last year in high school until I'm let of into the world to live my dull life and in the end die and be forgotten like every other human . Fun right .

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