Chapter 12 |-/ twist

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It had been 2 weeks since I started dating phil . It was a strange sensation , being with phil . The way every time he came home from school , he came strait into my room ( although I mostly slept in his ) , he would come and hug me and tell me about his day . I knew he was lying when he said yes if I asked him had anyone hurt him . But I didn't ask again , I didn't want the details of why he had a purple bruise on his cheek . It would only make me more nervous about today , the day I go back to school .

No matter how many times phil told me . You'll be fine dan . I'll be with you the whole time . Don't let them hurt you dan . I never believed a word , they would get me , they would hurt me Phil could do nothing to stop them .

I stood outside the green gate the paint chipped from the bars . The students in there groups talking about some unimportant junk . It was something about the school perimeter in and around , that made me question why I was even here .

I didn't have any reason to stay , but now I did . It was the black haired beautiful boy beside me called Philip Michael Lester he made me feel happier and safer , the school was still taking away some of that though . He was a sunshine but his Ray's where currently being crowded by the stares of a few students and cement walls housed by class rooms .

"It's fine dan , you'll be fine " Phil put his arm around me and gave me a light hug . He started to walk of but I pulled him back grabbing his hand , not letting go as we walked in . It felt like thousands of eyes where on me but only a few people where looking  . But the few soon turned into everyone on the court yard as my palms connected with the concrete floor .

"Howell , see you got a boy toy now " Jackson laughed . I just rolled his eyes and stood up , i felt stronger today ,stronger with phil . I didn't reply I just rejoined my hand with phils and walked off . Ignoring everyone's stares . I could tell phil felt proud of me by the way he had a smirk on his face and the way he had squeezed my hand . But inside , even though i had walked away I had walked himself into more trouble .

I couldn't walk away from my thoughts of what they would do to me later . I couldn't just walk away if I was being thrown against a locker or if i was being pinned down to a cafeteria bench , if i had just Taken my beating there i wouldn't be sitting in the bathroom with a razor to my wrist trying to give up . Taking my life away .

I didn't care anymore I didn't want to be here .

I didn't want to see Phil at the end of the hall way his lips latched onto Jackson , i didn't want to see it . Yet I had . I remember the spears stabbing through my stomach . The knives shredding my heart to scraps . I got to attached to phil to soon , I loved to soon . I gave myself away to soon .

I had jumped of the cliff into the cold water . For a moment I thought phil would catch me when I fell . But Phil had been the one telling me to jump , leaving me drowning in the water bellow . I was drowning , sinking to the bottom of the ocean . I was dying .

I was standing waiting for dan at the end of the hallway when Jackson and his friends walked up to me . "Tell little Danny boy he's in for it "Jackson pressed his finger up on my chest pushing me back.

"Stay away from him Jackson " I warned but Jackson just smiled , like he knew something . "No my friend, he's gunna stay away from you "I was confused for a second until Jackson shoved his cold lips onto mine and shoved me back into the lockers . I tried to push him of but it had no affect . When he pulled away I felt disgusted . Jackson just laughed as he glared and the most beautiful boy in the world crumpled on the floor sobbing .

I ran down the hallway towards dan and hugged him , but dan shoved me away looking at me like I was a monster . "P-Phil you l-lied t-to me " dan sobbed out making my heart crush . he stared at the floor, shaking .

"Dan in sorry I'm so so sorry I love you I didn't kiss him " i tried to explain to dan but he just shook his head . "I'll l-leave you g-uys to it , I'm sorry I w-wasn't g-ood e-enough I-I'm Ne-ver good e-nough " dan stood up he was trying to wipe his tears away but they didn't stop , it never stopped . He walked away stumbling and muttering insults about himself . He left me crippled on the cold Hallway floor .

Jackson just laughed "only for you and you're boy toy Phil " he kicked me in the stomach . Sending me over the edge . I started crying like I never had before pools of tears leaked onto my hands . My fingers pulled on my hairs . I was distraught .I got up my version blurry, my body weak and slouched I walked into the bathroom stalls .

I didn't think I could see anything worse . It was dan lying limp on the floor . Blood streaming down onto his hands . His eyes were rolled and his chest didn't seem to be moving . I rushed over screaming his name .

A teacher rushed into the bathroom and called the police . Her voice was muffled in the background all I could focus on was dans frail body . He was like a rag doll , he was so thin so weak so paralysed.

The paramedics rushed into the bathroom pushing me away from dan and injecting him with needles and attaching little wires to his body . A police Man took me outside and asked me questions I could barley answer .

I saw his body being carried out on a stretcher , he must still have a chance . I ran past everyone into the ambulance . They told me to leave but I refused . I held dams Hand tight the whole way to the hospital . They were no longer his warm comfortable hands that would rap around mine perfectly , they were cold and life less .

When we arrived the doctors rushed to his body telling me I had to leave I Obeyed and went to sit outside the operating room . My head felt dizzy and my body was weak and shattered . I tried not to think about dan but soon my brain gave in and I found myself in a deep sleep .

I was awoken by a man in a blue uniform tapping my shoulder . I jumped up out of my seat and rubbed my eyes .

"Are you Phil lester " the man asked.

"Yes yes I am hows dan is he okay "

Ohhh cliffhanger and plot twist .

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