Chapter 23 // final chapter

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Trigger warning

I watched as Dan walked up to the top of the bridge. Tears flowing down my face , his slender figure blurring him , streaking all light I could see . The sun was setting the clouds where peachy , it was beautiful but not as beautiful as the boy I could've just lost . I stayed stayed at the bottom ramp of the bridge until I could see Dan no more . Then I got out of my car , everything still blurry,  I went to the boot and picked out a gun . I froze still as I heard the first scream coming from the top of the ramp .

It was Dan .

Step by step I marched up towards the top of the bridge . As I walked up , I used the bridge as a timeline of my life starting at the bottom and carrying on . Starting from when my life was good till now , it was like I had already died at this was it , my life flashing before my eyes . It was slow and so painful .

My cheeks remained dry , till I got to Phil then I started , started balling my eyes out . No dan , no don't show you're weakness .Soon enough I was at the top of the bridge . I could feel death coming to me I could feel it inviting me , welcoming me in , this feeling was fimilar to me , I had felt it before . When phil kissed Jackson . When my farther started beating me . When I used to cut myself .That won't happen anymore , I'll be gone everything that ever hurt me will no longer matter because I'll be someplace else , some place better .

When I got to the top , there was just one person , one person . The person I never thought I would see again . My brother .

The breath was taken from my lungs . What ! Why was he here ? He left me for dead ! These questions where soon half way answered , when he pulled out a gun and pointed it to my head . "Hey , Dan " he said spitefully , stepping forward putting the cold metal to my head . He looked different now , his eyes where no longer loveable at all , he looked possessed and demonic like my farther . He was broad and well Built , I looked like a lanky giant compared to him . He was still a little shorter than me yet still so much more intimidating .

"Wha-" I couldn't speak , I thought he was gone never to return , I had been so convinced I would never see his face again. I was mad yet not phased at the fact there was a gun held up against my head . "Why ? " was the only question I could make out. Why , why ! Why was he here ? Why did he leave ? Why was he so twisted ? Why don't I ever have a explanation ?

"Why not " he shrugged , I had to resist the urge to rip he balls of and make then into a boneless bucket .

"Because I'm you're brother , what are you going to do ?" I was surprised at the confidence I had now inhabited , I stood straight and looked down at him . "I'm going to kill you " he smiled wickedly . "Not yet though , don't worry we just have to wait a little while " he tapped his foot . Anger bubbled up inside me , I tried to think of a plan but he had me trapped . My eyes drifted to anywhere but his , then I had a idea . Thank you for being a giant .

I quickly reached down doing the most childish thing I could . I grabbed his jeans digging my nails into them gripping onto what I hoped was his balls . Hard . He screamed out in pain loosing his grip on the gun letting it fall to the floor along him . He screamed out curses as I violently screamed at himwhile stamping on his head . I imagined jackson beating me up and copied him .

I was screaming now a lot . My brother was just grunting every time I pounded his head into the concrete . I stopped and picked up the gun . I grabbed it but instantly got tackled to the floor . My head hit the ground and I rolled over to see my brother on top of me . His face was bleeding and he had pieces of gravel stuck in the cuts .

"You're gunna pay for that now " he said his voice was menacing , even more than my farthers . He punched me multiple times making my vision hazed and my cheek numb . I pulled up the black , scratched gun and held It towards his head .

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