Chapter 6 (Why Me?)

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- 2 Days Later-

Charlie's POV

I haven't talked to Sam at all these past 2 days but how can i if i will put her life in danger.

I was deciding whether or not to report myself, I'd face a couple years in jail seems like a better choice but I wouldn't be able to see Sam once more.

I sigh again and continue to pace my bed room because her face was all I saw everytime I would walk towards my door, telling me to not do it...

Why would a flower show up in the middle of destruction? Somewhere, where it won't survive. Where it would be beaten...broken why did she have to show up when I am gonna lose her in the end?


I was now seated in the office of officer Cornejo, Xavier Cornejo, my best friend from middle school.

"So what seems to be the problem, Charlie?" He rose his eyebrows, curious of what I had to say next.

"Well my friend..." and told him what i have seen and plan to do next.

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah last week i caught one of them at the beach when i was with her"

"Damn, you got yourself there, but seriously what do you plan to do?" He asked.

"Well when my dad was alive, may he rest in peace, showed me what alliances we had and still have..." I said .

"Let me guess you're gonna have me keep shit calm here while something else happens somewhere else?" He sighed.

"Pretty much...please it's gonna be quick, I can't risk not seeing her again..." I insisted.

"Okay, I'll see what I can do" giving in.

"Thanks, I knew I could count on you" I hug him and start to walk out.

"Now if you don't mind i have other things i have to do, but it was nice talking to you again man" he smiled.

"No problem, have a good day"

"You too, man " he shakes my hand.

I head to my car and drive home,thinking if i should go to Sam's or not. And i decide not cause i guess she needs more time.

- Same Day-

Sam's POV

Oh my God, i can't still can't believe i might die and what about my future? My future house? Everything i have already planned?

I've been in my bed 24/7 listening to music on shuffle unless i search for food downstairs or pee. Charlie and i haven't talked, and I've been ignoring everyone.

My father has noticed my change of spirit, but I just tell him I'm fine, that I'm just on my period.

I find myself also ignoring my urge to eat, yet my stomach rumbles once again, so I decide to go downstairs.

Once I opened the fridge door, i find myself some fucken pudding! Plus ice cream, hell yeah say less!

As i walk upstairs I quickly realized no one is home and have room to be alone and decide to sit in the living room, as I sit down, there is knocking like crazy.

Damn that better not be the ice cream guy please, he knows my weakness and i am broke right now and i just finish the ice we had.

What can I say about my neighbor he really knows what he sells, and let me tell you it's good.

"Yes?" i open the door and to my surprise it's not my ice cream neighbor.

"Damn" I said, I was hoping it was, it's Tuesday and he has discounts on them.

"What?" He said confused.

"Oh nothing, how may I help you?"

"Is Samantha Parkerson home?"

"Yes who is looking for her" i ask.

"Xavier Cornejo" he said.

"And who may you be?"

"I'm Charlie's bestfriend" he responded.

"Oh hell no, go..." I start closing the door.

"Wait's important, I'm here to help" he says as his foot is in the way of the door.

"And how will that happen?"

"I get that you are aware your life might be a risk, right? " he says and I open the door again.


"I have my team on board if you allow them to protect you for whatever else is coming, your dad has already agreed, but we only need your answer" he says.

"What else is coming?"I ask worryingly.

Something is gonna happen if they wanna be on board to protect me.

"We dont know, but we going to be here, obviously not knowing what is really happening"

"Okay, but make sure none of my family is in danger" I respond, I have to be prepared if anything happens.

A few hours later pass and my house feels like a reality show, hidden cameras, and a lot of people around.

I walked around the house to make sure everyone was alright, I step into the dining room and...

"A young man named...Charles Puddle, i don't quite recall his name..." someone said.

"Charlie Puth?" I butt in.

"Oh yeah! Him, he's really something for this crap" She said.

"And what would that be?"

"He's obviously wasting our time, he has us on watch for you, and what for? All I'm saying is that we literally can be watching out for other things and not this shit" she explained.

"And what would that be?"

"Haven't you heard about the mafia honey?" She crossed her arms and arched her right brow.

So they don't know great, but if only she knew, she wouldn't be saying shit.

"Yeah, I have" I laughed.

"What's so funny?" She asked annoyed.

"Your face" I smiled.

"What the hell did you just fucken say?"

"You heard me" I laughed.

She starts walking to me and is suddenly push back by Xavier.

"She's to protect and not to mess with" he said sternly.

"But she's a bitch and it's not like a punch can kill her" she said

"Just do your fucken job"

She huffed and walked away to her computer and typed away.

"Please dont provoke her, she's a bit of the sensitive one" he said.

"You call that sensitive? Looks to me like a crackhead"

" I aren't wrong" he laughed.



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Edited on: 12/07/20

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