Chapter 9 (Cotton Candy!)

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Sam's POV

Charlie hasn't left my side since he came, we have been watching movies, playing with Kisha, and talking about anything that comes to our heads, and our recent conversation was very bad cause who would not think that Dylan O'Brien was hot as hell.

"No...ughh, fine i give up" he groaned.

"Ya..." I smiled in victory.

I've seen every possible movie and let me just say damn he fine.

"Charms, we're out of popcorn" i said from the kitchen.

"Told you, we shouldn't have thrown popcorn" he laughed.

"You were still having fun"


"Ahha, point made"

"Okay, okay, want me to buy more?"

"Can i come with?

"Yeah if they let you" he said looking at a camera.

"Oh yeah i forgot, how long am i suppose to be in my own house?"

"You can go anywhere, you just have be accompanied by one of us" Xavier said.

"Okay, thanks for the clarification, come on let's go"


Xavier ended up coming with us. We got our popcorn and some cotton candy, and a lot of other things.

Man how i love junk. On our way to the car i was, let's say, smiling like a freak.

So yeah i got stares but hey who can not live without COTTON CANDY!

"Can i have some?" Charms asked.

"Umm...i would but i can't" i said.

"Why not?"he crossed his arms on his chest.

"Cause it's...gone" i said innocently.

"Wow you really like cotton candy don't you?" he smiled.

"Like it, i LOVE it"

We laughed and head down the street to the park. With Xavier.

We head to the hill and Charlie sets down a blanket on the grass. When did he have that?

"What are we doing here?"



"Yeah, lets just chill and stare at the stars while we can"

What does he mean? For a moment I thought that we were fine.

"What do you mean 'while we can',Charms?"

Does he know something? Am i going to die tonight or tomorrow that he wants to make one last memory before i do?

"Nothing, it just out the wrong way, that's all"

"Oh" I sighed in relief, of course I'm still panicking, I dont want this to ever end. But maybe i am over thinking things.


The next morning i woke up to the sun in my eyes. Man i really need to buy new curtains.

I flip over and reach my arm over towards Charlie, but to my luck he wasn't there. Where is he?

"Charms!?" i yell getting off my bed, heading towards the bathroom. Nothing.

"Charms!?" i head down stairs to living room, kitchen and still nothing.

I couldn't find him, so decide to call him.

"The phone number you just called is not available, at the tone please record your mess..." i hang up.

Why won't he answer? Where could he be? He didn't even say goodbye.



Edited on: 12/08/20

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