the middle

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here are to the girls
who have medium-sized boobs.
i'm sorry that they haven't
gotten the attention they deserve.
i'm sorry that nobody pays attention
to the average people,
to the people somewhere in between
boy chested and double d.
i'm sorry on behalf of all the boys
and girls that'll look past you
because you don't stand out
in the way they want you to.
just know if i could,
i would love all of you.

here's to the kids
who aren't straight A students,
but aren't the kids i'll see in summer school.
here's to the kids who
weren't the teacher's prime focus.
here's to the kids who
are going to struggle two years from now
because they BS-ed their way through
algebra 1 with a C,
and algebra 2 is waiting with an ax to slaughter them.
i wish i could tutor you,
but i blew it in the same respect.

here's to the kids
who are well-rounded
as many people take this the wrong way.
they will think you are mediocre
at something when
you are seeking perfection in one of your many talents
you will be ignored
you will fall and no one will catch you.
i wish i could catch you.

to the boy who is not held to the same standard as his brother, because "tyler was the brain", i wish i could catch you before you fall into the habit of letting him be more. he is no more than you are, no human being should bear more weight than another.

to the girl who spent her whole life trying to get ahead by taking ap courses but is only falling behind, i wish i could catch you before you fall for the illusion that all colleges care about is a transcript.

to the bisexual girl who is about to realize that she loves both genders, i wish i could catch you before you fall deep in love with either party
before you convince yourself
it is not okay
to be in the middle.

i am trying to put myself back together / slam chapbookWhere stories live. Discover now