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Danis POV
It's been 15 years since Lauren died. We have all went our separate ways now. But we are still in touch. We went our world tour and it was amazing. But after that we retired. Mum and dad got out of prison for a while. Mum regretted what she did and we have contact with her today. But dad fell into alcohol and drugs and went back to prison. When he got out again he overdosed and died. All of us, except Amy, went to his funeral. Amy never visited him in prison like the rest of us. She never forgave him. We still live in Florida. Christina married Nick and they have three kids. Two twins named Michaela (after our dad) and Molly and a boy named Zac. Christina ended up becoming a psychologist and Mick is a policeman. Katherine married a guy named Eric and they have 5 children named Amanda, Alice, Adam, Anastasia and Alex. Katherine owns a bookstore/bakery and her husband stays home to take care of the children. Lisa isn't married yet because of her carrier. She ended out being a world famous singer. But she has a boyfriend named Jonathan ,or as we call him, John. Amy is married to a guy named Gabriel who knows all about her. Even her rape. And now they are happily married with twins named Olivia and Oliver and works as a lawyer. And last but not least me. I have a husband named Peter and 2 kids. My oldest girl is named Lauren and my younger girl is named Angel. Sometimes when I'm feeling sad I see my kids and think about having a new Lauren and an Angel. I attempted suicide ones but my sisters saved me. Now I'm living a happy life like Lauren asked me to. I work as a doctor trying to find a cure for cancer. I can sometimes feel Lauren in the room and I think that she is proud of me. But I miss her every day.
The End!

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